Outlook Express Attachments



Everytime I try to attach something or view an attachment in outlook express it says that it has removed access to the unsafe attachment. Is there anyway to regain access to these attachments and/or make safe attachments? Please email me if you can help

Thanks very much

Gary Tsang


Goto Tools -> Options -> Then click on the Security tab
Now Uncheck "Do not allow attachments to be saved or opened that could
potentially be a virus"
Attachments that you could not save or open will now be available. This is a
new feature of Outlook Express 6 SP1.

Be careful. Some attachments really are dangerous and they may come from
someone you know, if that friend has a virus that sends dangerous email
attachments. You should save the attachment and then manually scan it with
an anti-virus tool before opening it.

For more information see the Microsoft Article below:
Cannot Open E-Mail Attachments in OE After You Install SP1

Ken Blake, MVP

MWKP said:
Everytime I try to attach something or view an attachment in outlook
express it says that it has removed access to the unsafe attachment.
Is there anyway to regain access to these attachments and/or make
safe attachments?

Starting with SP1, Outlook Express does this by default, for any
file type which *can* contain a virus. It's not a virus checker,
doesn't actually check the attachments, and this doesn't mean
that there actually is a virus there.

Such attachments *are* very risky. You often see advice not to
open attachments from people you don't know. I think that that's
one of the most dangerous pieces of advice you see around,
because it implies that it's safe to do the opposite--open
attachments from friends and relatives. But many viruses spread
by sending themselves to everyone in the infected party's address
book, so attachments received from friends are perhaps the *most*
risky to open.

Personally I think what Outlook Express does is good; I never
open executable attachments at all, except from a *very* few
trusted sources, and then only when I'm expecting them. But if
you want to remove this safeguard, it's easy to do so: go to
Tools | Options, and on the security tab, uncheck "Do not allow

Please email me if you can help.

Sorry, no. No E-mail support.

Bruce Chambers

Greetings --

Outlook Express' default security settings are simply trying to
protect you. OE has no way of telling whether an attachment actually
contains a virus or not, so it temporarily blocks any of those file
types that could potentially contain a virus. In Outlook Express,
Tools > Options > Security, uncheck the "Do not allow attachments to
be saved or opened that could potentially be a virus" option, assuming
you trust the source, of course. The wiser course of action, however,
would be to modify your list of unsafe files, as outlined in the KB
articles below:

Cannot Open E-Mail Attachments in OE After You Install SP1

Information About the Unsafe File List in Internet Explorer 6

OLEXP Using Virus Protection Features in Outlook Express 6

Bruce Chambers

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