Outlook 2003



We have 4 users on this computer. When the system times me out it shuts down
Outlook. I have to restart the program every time I go in. Any thoughts?


4k said:
We have 4 users on this computer. When the system times me out it shuts down
Outlook. I have to restart the program every time I go in. Any thoughts?

Max usage time is not an option within Outlook. Your issue is with
whatever is the "system time" function that shuts down Outlook. Which
"system" are you talking about? Your computer's OS? Your ISP? Your
e-mail provider?

Does "shut down Outlook" actually mean you no longer see an outlook.exe
process listed in Task Manager's Processes tab? Or just that you are no
longer online? If Outlook is actually getting unloaded (and not just
hidden), are there any error messages? Any showing up in Event Viewer?

Every time you "go in" WHERE? When you log into Windows? When you
reload Outlook? When you merely reopen Outlook's GUI from its tray icon
(which meant Outlook was still running)? When you reconnect to your
ISP, or to your e-mail provider?

So WHAT do you use for Internet connectivity? Dial-up, DSL, cable,
satellite, tin cans on a string?

--- Posting Hints ---

ALWAYS REVIEW your message before submitting it. You want someone OTHER
than yourself to understand your post. Also remember that no one here
is looking over your shoulder to see at what you are pointing.

Often you get just one chance per potential respondent to elicit a reply
from them. If they skip your post because you gave them nothing to go
on (no details, no versions, no OS, no context) then they will usually
move on to the next post and never return to yours.

What is Usenet:
If you use a webnews client, like Microsoft's Communities or Google
Groups, those are gateways to Usenet.

How to post to newsgroups:

Regarding error messages:
- Do NOT describe an error message.
- Do NOT summarize an error message.
- Do NOT paraphrase an error message.
- Do NOT truncate an error message.
- Do show the ENTIRE message (but munge/star out personal info,
like your username).


When I log onto windows, Outlook is no longer running. I have to restart the
program. At that time any new activity with my e-mail is updated (new
messages). I have a cable connection.


4k said:
When I log onto windows, Outlook is no longer running.

It won't be. Outlook is a user-level process. Those get terminated
when you logoff. Only OS processes and NT services run outside of a
logged-in account (they still run under an account but you don't and
maybe cannot log into that account).
I have to restart the program.

As you would with Word, Notepad, a hex editor, a game, or any other
user application. Outlook does not run as a service. Outlook is a
client e-mail program, not a mail server.
At that time any new activity with my e-mail is updated (new
messages). I have a cable connection.

So Outlook is running normally like your other user applications.

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