Outlook 2002 Takes Forever to Load



Whenever I launch Outlook 2002 it takes forever to load. Probably about
60-90 seconds total. I'm not sure initially what brought this on. But after
uninstalling and then reinstalling Microsoft Office XP, the problem still

This problem started about two weeks ago. Prior to that time (for the past
couple of years) I had not experienced this problem.

Any suggestions?


Patrick Schmid

Try disabling all your add-ins in Tools, Options, Other, Advanced Options
and then respective add-in buttons.
as a random guess: do you or did you have PGP installed?

Patrick Schmid

Brian Tillman

husky86 said:
Whenever I launch Outlook 2002 it takes forever to load. Probably
about 60-90 seconds total. I'm not sure initially what brought this
on. But after uninstalling and then reinstalling Microsoft Office
XP, the problem still persists.

Try deleting or renaming the file %AppData%\Microsoft\Outlook\outcmd.dat


Thanks Brian for this suggestion, but unfortunately it didn't work. If you
have any other suggestions, I would be more than happy to hear about them.




Turning off all of the various add-ins did not produce any changes. Yes, I
am running PGP, but even when I disable this program from the very beginning
of the startup of Windows XP Professional, it doesn't change anything about
how fast Outlook starts. Furthermore, I have been running PGP for the past
18-24 months; this problem has only been manifesting itself recently.

Thanks very much for your suggestions/comments! Much appreciated!

If you have any further thoughts/ideas, please pass them along. :)

Take care!

Brian Tillman

husky86 said:
Thanks Brian for this suggestion, but unfortunately it didn't work.

Try starting Outlook with the /safe command line switch to see if that makes
a difference. Let us know.

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