Outlook 2000 - Entry Point Not Found error



I've got Outlook 2000 running on Windows NT 4.0 SP6 terminal server. One
user is getting errors when attempting to open e-mails. I've run the Inbox
Repair Tool with no apparent change.

The message I receive is "Outlook.exe - Entry Point Not Found" "The
procedure entry point DelayLoadFailureHook could not be located in the
dynamic link library KERNEL32.DLL"

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


neo [mvp outlook]

Is it all emails or just specific ones (e.g. html)? (I can only find
references that this could relate to loading a direct x component. afaik,
nt4 doesn't support the latest versions of direct x and html messages that
have fancy stationery is the only thing that I can think of that would
trigger the error.)


Thanks, neo.

It seems to be just specific e-mails - one in particular was from me (I use
Outlook 2003 - HTML), but nothing different than I've ever used. I don't use
stationary or unusual fonts.

It gave no problems prior to a couple of days ago. Also, there are other
users using Outlook 2000 on the terminal server, and they are experiencing no

Thanks again, neo. I appreciate your help.

neo [mvp outlook]

Is Word 2003 your email editor? If yes, try turning it off to see if Word
is putting something into the html stream that is freaking OL2000 out.
(this way it is OL editor to OL editor)


Thanks, neo.

I'll give that a try and see if we can narrow it down. I'll ask the user if
it's just specific senders. The problem DID seem to go away for a couple of
days, but it's back again this morning.

Thanks a million for all your help. We'll check out the Word 2003


Hi neo,

Another thought/question - other users using Outlook 2000 have not
experienced the same issue with users using Word 2003 as their e-mail editor.
Other possibilities?

Thanks again, neo for all your help.

neo [mvp outlook]

Outside of the message stream itself, the only other thought is an
application is interacting with Outlook in a way that only manifests the
error under terminal services. (e.g. Antivirus, Antispam, .etc that
integrates into Outlook.)


ps - the above is a longshot since most have their TS environments
configured lean and mean to support multiple users.


Thanks, neo.

There is no AntiVirus, AntiSpam, etc. running on the terminal server. I DID
have another user report the same error since I posted last. We're still
"observing", but it DOES seem to be potentially linked to e-mails from users
using Office 2003.

I changed my e-mail editor, so we'll see if we can narrow it down further.

I'm still puzzled, however, as to why it appeared last week - we've been
running the Office 2003 e-mail (with Word 2003) for the past 6 months with no
issues up until now.

Thanks again, neo for all your help. I DO appreciate it.

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