


"By the act of scrolling this post on your computer, and/or printing or
replying to this post, you agree that I am your everlasting Lord & Saviour.
Breach of this term will result in you burning in hell for ever and ever!
Calling someone a Brat doesn't necessarily age them,
however it does refer to their emotional development,
His sense of humor is childish, leanings towards saying
things that are taken as shocking and crude are childish
and immature, this is a forum used for technical help
humor not withstanding, stepping outside the lines purely
for the sake of saying something foul, crude is not humor,
but disruptive and selfish. he needs to grow up.
Now that I've said that, I do admit he appears to have
some technical smarts, now if his emotional attitude could
match, it make for a nicer forum. But then the world is
not made up of all the same people, that's gods way.
you get good and bad.. I'm sure at times I've gotten the
same snipes from others at this forum, I do have my
childish moments..

You all need to find a sense of humour, or at least not take everything so

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei!"


"By the act of scrolling this post on your computer, and/or printing or
replying to this post, you agree that I am your everlasting Lord & Saviour.
Breach of this term will result in you burning in hell for ever and ever!
Your "humor" must be something very personal to you alone.

I perfer using the real English spellings of words, thus "humour," spell

No other
poster seems to recognize it.

Obviously you can't follow a thread.

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei!"


By the act of scrolling this post on your computer, and/or printing or
replying to this post, you agree that I am your everlasting Lord &
Saviour. Breach of this term will result in you burning in hell for
ever and ever! Amen!"
He seems to be one of three things,

A. a decrepit old man who is very lonely

Lonely, maybe, but not any more than anyone else. And I ain't quite
decrepit yet. www.kurttrail.com
B. a spoiled young brat who needs parental control or

Too late for that now.
C. ricky, definition unknown

ricky who?

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei!"


RJK said:
Ah but, your 360w psu could still be a cheap nasty one!
...flame...flame :) I was astonished that so many psu's have no
overload cut-out and and can explode and/or catch fire when they're
stressed to full load, and on some of them, nowhere near full load.
You can't always go by the label. For an interesting read:-

regards, Richard

Antec Smart Power (well not in this system this has a crappy proprietary
Dell PSU which I need to replace) - want to rephrase that?! ;o) I am well
aware of the dangers of a cheap PSU. I recall a friend calling me saying he
couldn't add anything else to his system because it shorted something.
Transpire that his CPU, though marked as a 350W - could/should have been
rated as half that. It only cost him a tenner. That's why I'm keen to drum
into anyone wanting to self-build that the one component you /don't/ skimp
on the PSU - if ever there was a perfect definition of the phrase 'false
economy' a pound store PSU is it. My mate's PSU took out the motherboard,
graphics card, hard drive and CPU - so that little bit of 'economising'
ended up costing him nearly £400 in replacements. I've always bought Antec
(apart from the last system I built but that came with the case (Chieftec)).

I'm an idiot, but not that big an idiot!

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