*OT* - Freeware list for new puter



Doesn't exist yet :)
You are correct. I guess my dl manager renamed the exe or something.
I'd go for Miranda, think it's lighter on resources.

I changed from Miranda to Gaim ;-) Both are very good.
GIMP GIMP GIMP. But that's personal taste :)
For vector graphics, check out Inkscape (http//inkscape.org). It's a
mighty fine program, I believe everybody should check it out.
The "Earthshoe" of graphics editors - lol ;-) Too convoluted for me.
Ever seen Notepad2? I switched to it because it has block select
mode, Metapad unfortunately doesn't have that. But if you don't need
that, Metapad still remains a top choice.

Downloading Notepad2 now for trial.



Hi Dud,

I hope that 'puter is for you. If not, I hope it's for a real enthusiast,
because 9 out of 10 people wouldn't know what all that good stuff is for! :)
it's for me:) Finally got around to building an Athlon 64 box for myself.
Assuming it's for you, here are some suggestions to audition and possibly
replace some of your admittedly excellent choices below.

ACDSee: Try Faststone Image Viewer.
I like Faststone but it won't do slide shows faster than 1 sec/pic.:-(
Love the transitions.
HJSplit: Try Splitting.
The reason I use HJSplit is cause I can have several instances - one in
each folder of the groups one uses/needs such thing. I also use a nifty
bat file picked up from usenet. Give me a url for Splitting and I'll check
it out.
WinRAR: Try IZArc.
I like IZArc and recommend it to anyone wanting freeware. I licensed
WinRAR eons ago and use it only to make rar files. The rest of my archive
needs are handled by ServantSalamander.
MetaPad: Try BDV Notepad. I'll check it out.

Conspicuously Absent:

Cobain Backup
Acronis TrueImage handles all of my backup needs for now. I backup
Password Safe, Mail & Movie Catalog with a few zip files.
Pardon 2.x (freeware) What is it and where? ;-)

Word Web
I have it but rarely if ever use it.
NetMeter I'm fond of NetPerSec.

Nifty program. I've downloaded and will play with this for a while.
SpamPal What is spam? ;-)~


Like it but don't use IE anymore.
RegSeeker Added. Thanks

DVD Decrypter
Added. DVD2SVCD's internal ripper has served me well except for a few
feisty ones.
Free Download Manager
Will check that out. Right now Firefox's "Download Statusbar" extension
works pretty good even though it's only one connection.
Have fun populating that new machine!
Motherboard and CPU are scheduled to arrive 1-19. Hopefully I'll be up and
running on or around 1-21 (hardware fan controller (Hardcano) is giving me
stomach/head/ass ache!)




It's a nifty little dictionary. I keep the last free version on my site.
Shhhhh! :)

You can find Splitting URL on my site too. It's very nifty.

I hear you on WinRAR. I like the way it opens ISO's.

-- Bob

*** completely OT ***

That is one of the many reasons I bought ServantSalamander. Besides the
best file manager(IMNSHO ;-)) it has the best file viewer. It also does
many types of compression/decompression (7z, imp if you d/l and configure
the command, iso, much, much, more.)
Feature list:
mouse over items on the list for better description.
Cheap, too ;-)



But I thought that even the old version of Acdsee were
(theoretically) chargeable. Did the old versions beome freeware?

IIRC 2.40 is freeware and can be found somewhere or other.


Just a couple of personal preferences.

"Servant Salamander - the best file manager." Prefer Total
Commander any day.
"ACDSee Classic - there is no subsitute." What's wrong with

I would tend to go for Acdsee rather than the slower Xnview.

But I thought that even the old version of Acdsee were
(theoretically) chargeable. Did the old versions beome freeware?


IIRC 2.40 is freeware and can be found somewhere or other.

The other day I stumbled across a PDF manual on ACDSee's FTP site for
ACDSee 3.1.

Is there any downloadable documentation for version 2?


I've put together a cd for install on my new machine I'm building.
Critique and comments requested.

From what software I can recognize, in general it seems like a
reasonable list.

Speaking personally, I would most definitely add StrokeIt. And I
really like the simple KatMouse mouse driver.

Maybe consider TrackerV3 as a sort of alternative to Agent Ransack.

Atlantis Nova as a wordpro.

Never liked Agent all that much. Xnews is better for text.

Did I miss SpyBot on your list?

I would also add some tech goodies:
SysInternal's ProcMon and RegMon.
Registrar Lite instead of XP's Regedit.
Maybe ResHacker and HexEdit.
HotKey Detective (from PC Mag) is very useful.

I like the space viewer SequoiaView.

iCarbon is handy for copying from a scanner.

Watch out: Nero (payware) may be locked to only one model of
hardware drive so be careful.

Payware? Maybe BootIt as a boot and partition manager.

Just my 2 cents worth.


Is there no separate help file?

I notice from an earlier thread that Susan provided you with a link to
the LFW - 2.2 - which will not work for you. 2.42 is nagware/shareware
and is probably on oldversions.com.
It has a 400kb help file