OT: display fuzzy/out of focus with new video card...



I've recently installed a new video card (XFX GeForce 2 FX 5600) and have
now noticed that the display is slightly fuzzy or out of focus (not really
sure how to describe it); so much in fact I get a headache after less than
20 minutes of use. The issue seems to be with the Windows GUI rather than
any games. Could this just be a card with crappy 2D display, a defective
card, a driver issue, or what? I've tried the drivers that came with the
card (44.03) and the lastest from nVidia (52.16) but neither seemed to help.




You'll need to go into the Advanced settings when you
right click on your desktop and click on the Settings tab.
In the advanced part click on the monitor tab, and put the
refresh rate (measured in Hertz) to a higher setting.
Click apply each time, as this will restore your original
settings after 15 seconds if your monitor can't handle the
new refresh rate. That solution has worked for me before.
Should work.


Unfortunately that isn't an option for me. I'm presently living almost
directly under some power lines so 60Hz is my only choice (anything else
causes the screen to shake). My old card was displaying at 60Hz and I
didn't have a problem at all. Is this something that would be card

I was "in" WinXP and things seemed better but not really sure if it was my
imagination or not. Will try again right now before my eyes bug-out again.

Bob I

You may want to take a look in the "Ndesk" application for that video
card and see if adjusting the settings improves the view for you.


Do you mean the display settings "extension" that gets installed when you
install the drivers?

Bob I

Typical Nvidia based video card installs place an application called
"Ndesk" in the menu or system tray that allow you to adjust things like
gamma, anti-alising, color balance etc. Try looking around for this
program or a simular type of program that got installed with the video
card drivers and allows you to adjust the advanced settings. If all else
fails check the CD for a "User Manual" file.


ok....I was thinking of the same thing which is available in: Control Panel
| Display | Settings | Advanced | <Video card name>


I forgot to add.....I did play around with a bunch of the settings within
the "app", nothing seemed to help.

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