Options Groups

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gerry Verschuuren
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Gerry Verschuuren

In Access 2007, when I design an option group with a few options, everything
works fine with option boxes but NOT with toggle buttons: Clicking on another
toggle button (in the group) keeps the 1st button activated. All buttons are
perfectly positioned inside the option group and have an option value from 1
to n.

I cannot find anywhere whether this is a bug in earlier versions of Access
2007. Can anyone help me?

Gerry Verschuuren

I have not heard of this being a problem. And I have just a few days
ago used an Option Group with toggle buttons, in an Access 2007
application, and it worked fine for me.

Here's a test... in design view of the form, see if you can drag any of
the toggle buttons *out of* the option group. If the toggle button is
truly a part of the option group, the border of the option group will
grow so as to keep the toggle button "inside the fence" when you move it.
Thanks, Steve, but I had checked that already.

I think I finally found out what is wrong. I had opened the form from VBA:
DoCmd.OpenForm "...",,,acReadOnly

Once I deleted acReadOnly, the buttons worked fine. I still do not see the
logic behind it, but the proof is in the pudding, isn't it