Optical mouse for Windows 2000?



Do any of you use an optical mouse which isn't giving you any problems with
Windows 2000?

Or have any of you got one which is giving you problems?

(Guess who doesn't want perfume at Christmas!)


Jason Gallas

I had a bluetooth one that I returned to Best Buy because it seemed to cut
in and out intermittently. I now have a Microsoft one with a wire and it
works beautifully. My only recommendation is that you have a mouse pad that
is non-reflective. If it reflective surface at all you will have trouble
with it.

Danny Mingledorff

We've got an IBM model which is working quite well.

So, if you'd rather have that than Vera Wang...


Thanks for the tip about the non-reflective mouse-mat, Jason and for your
mouse recommendation.

I had dismissed the MS mouse because I had their cordless one and it was
rubbish. It had a dreadful battery compartment with 2 cheap springs holding
in the batteries which tended to catch on the batteries when you tried to
lift them out. Then you had to twiddle the springs back in with a penknife
and prise them out so that they would contact with the battery.

Any other recommendations or warnings?


Jason Gallas

I think that going with something that has a cord is your best bet. Also,
something that fits your hand nicely. There are a lot of brands out there
and I hate to say it but the Microsoft one seems to fit my hand the best. I
also didn't like the idea of having to change the battery on the cordless MS
mouse. Other than that I can't think of any problems/warnings, it works
just like a regular mouse but without getting dirty. I have a few that I
have ordered at my work office and everyone loves them (the old ball ones
get tossed in the trash).


I've been using a Microsoft Optical mouse(USB) for almost
2 years I believe and haven't had a single problem with it
yet. I'll never go back to a stinky ball-mouse now!! =)

I've also purchased a GE optical for my mother last year
('02) at christmas(or birthday - september) and haven't
heard any complaints from her regarding trouble with it,
so that's another product that seems to be doing well.

Steve Nielsen

I've used several without many problems. The Microsoft one is real good.
At home I decided to replace the MS one with a Logitech (aka Labtech)
and had a problem with it wanting to reinstall the driver at every boot
but that may have been my fault (I get sloppy about computer stuff at
home; "the cobbler's children go barefoot" sorta deal). What Jason said
about reflective surfaces also aplies to very light colored surfaces and
surfaces that have light/dark patterns (like the stupid Dell mouse pads).


Bob I

Speaking of reflective, a piece of glitter in the LED well on the
underside makes for some very interesting symptoms. I think it was
moving around because of static and it cause intermittant jitters.

Chris Knapp

LabTec is not Logitech. Buy LabTec for speakers, not mice. Logitech makes
the best mice. The MX700 wireless optical is awesome. It has a recharger so
you don't need to swap out batteries. Go with the MX500 if you don't want


I LOVE the MX700 wireless optical mouse!!! it's really wonderful.... but I
HATE the Keyboard :((

I've used various brands of wireless optical mice, but my favorite is the
Logitech Cordless MouseMan Optical. It's a perfect size, simple and
extremely reliable... I have about 5 of them in use, and a few "spares" in
the closet!

Just keep a supply of AA batteries handy...
I use the VARTA rechargables... you can get them in photographic shops.


Thanks everyone, now, I'll just print off these messages and leave them
lying around the house.......


Do any of you use an optical mouse which isn't giving you any problems with
Windows 2000?

Or have any of you got one which is giving you problems?

(Guess who doesn't want perfume at Christmas!)
If you get an optical mouse you will never want to go back to a
non-optical. I have a box of old ball-type mice, I've only had one
optical mouse and I've had it ages now. I don't use a mouse mat.

I used to goes through one ball-type mouse every couple of months.




I have an El Chippo Labtec optical mouse that I paid 15$
Canadian for and have no problem what so ever.


I buy mine for $10.00US here at the local computer store. I buy a
couple and as the kids wear them out I just give them a new one,
making them pay the $10.00 of course.
Kids are tough on mice, they tend to slam them down as they move them
around. Generally though they last over a year each. I have one that
has lasted over 2 years and is still going strong!

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