Opening templates as .dot vs. .doc



I can open templates as .dot on my computer when I open them directly
(without going into File, New . . .). Other computer users in my work area
open the same document directly and it opens as a document. Is there a
setting that lets you switch between these two ways to open? Also, for a
template / form I created, one person can't unlock the template -- he also
opens the template as a .dot. I do not have it password protected. Several
other people are able to open as a document, use, unlock if needed, etc.

Charles Kenyon

If you are double-clicking on a template's icon and it is opening, that is a
setting that needs changing. If you right-click on the icon, you should get
a list of possible actions including Open, New, and Print. The default
action is in bold. If you have Open in bold on your computer, write back for

Charles Kenyon

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Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

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