Opening a File in FTP displays FTP Password in the Status Bar as Clear Test


Karthik G

Opening a JPG file from an FTP site shows FTP Server User
ID and Password in clear Text. The user ID and Password
are shown in the Status Bar.
IE version used 6.0.2800.1106

Please do the needful.



"Karthik G" said in news:[email protected]:
Opening a JPG file from an FTP site shows FTP Server User
ID and Password in clear Text. The user ID and Password
are shown in the Status Bar.
IE version used 6.0.2800.1106

Please do the needful.


Since they are *sent* as clear text, what's your point regarding
security? That you can see the username and password that YOU specified
in the FTP schemed URL, as in ftp://username:password@domain? You can
already see that in the Address Bar where you entered the URL. That you
can see the anonymous login? You don't need to protect it from
yourself. Any sniffer can yank out the clear text sent for username and
password. See

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