OL2007 B2 - Cannot Connect To Exchange 2003



I've got Office 2007 Beta 2 installed and all seems to work well except that
I can't seem to get connected to my Exchange 2003 Enterprise server.
Apologies for the long post... it seemed best to give as much information as
possible to avoid basic misunderstandings. When I try to launch Outlook,
here's what happens:

1. Message that my Exchange Server is offline, and the option to either
Retry (which keeps looping back to the same message), Cancel (which boots me
out), or Work Offline, which sends me to the profile settings. I choose Work

2. Message saying "Cannot open your default e-mail folders. Your profile
is not configured.". Clicking OK boots me out.

3. I go to Control Panel, Mail, E-mail Accounts, where I get the same
message as Number 1, but when I choose Work Offline, I get to the Account
Settings screen.

4. I choose to Change the existing entry (I can't delete it because it's
the only one), and enter my server name (fully qualified, name, or IP address
work the same) and username. I UNCHECK use cached exchange mode (though I've
tried it both ways) because I don't have Cached Mode set up on the server,
and then click "Check Name".

5. I get the message "Outlook cannot log on. Verify you are connected to
the network and are using the proper server and mailbox name. The connection
to the Microsoft Exchange Server is unavailable. Outlook must be online or
connected to complete this action." I click OK and go back to the entry

6. I choose "More Settings" and see the following seemingly relevant things:

a. Automatically detect connection state (General tab)
b. Use Cached Exchange Mode is UNchecked (Advanced tab)
c. Encrypt data between Outlook and Exchange Server is UNchecked. It was
checked, but I've cleared it, as that's the arrangement we run under the
OL2003 configuration. Logon network security is set for Kerberos/NTLM
Password Authentication (Security tab)
d. Connect using my LAN (Connection tab)

These settings match the working settings on my other machine with OL2003
running on it.

7. I click through the settings pages and get congratulated for setting
things up, and then choose "Finish", where I return to the Account Settings
page. I close the settings page and go to launch OL2007 again.

8. Having had enough of this nonsense, I just delete the profile and go to
create a new one.

a. Add New E-mail Account screen detects my username and email address. I
click Next.
b. Next screen is "online search for your server settings...". Green
checkmark next to "establish network connection". on Search for <email
address> server settings, I get a prompt saying "A secure connection with
this site cannot be verified. Would you still like to proceed? The
certificate you are viewing does not match the name of the site you are
trying to view.". When I view the certificate, it's issued to
"pro6.abac.com" from Comodo Class 3 Security Services CA. If I tell it to
proceed anyhow, I get the old "The connection to the Microsoft Exchange
Server is unavailable" message.

Ok, enough.

My GUESS is that Outlook is trying to make a secure connection to the
server, which is not configured to do so.

Any ideas? Thanks.


I have exactly the same problem. I also try the same steps. Does Outlook 2007
work with Exchange 2003 or must we use POP3/SMTP for now?


I'm confident that it does indeed work. Are you also getting the strange
"invalid certificate" message? The other thing I'm wondering about is if
there might be an issue that my external email address has a different domain
name than my internal address (for example (e-mail address removed) might be
(e-mail address removed) on the inside).

I'm also very suspicious that the client is trying to make a secure
connection even though I'm unchecking the box requiring encryption.


I am seeing the same issue in my installation, (Exchange 2003-Sp2 with
Outlook 2007 Client)

Each time I try to configure the profile for the account and server, it
fails as described
in the early sections of this thread. I have tried deleteing all
profiles and redoing the
profile creation with no success.

I do notice that the Exchange server shows an entry error in the
Security log for each attempted
connection from Outlook. It appears to be a security configuration
problem and that Outlook must
be making a type of request that is not supported by the server.

Event Type: Failure Audit
Event Source: Security
Event Category: Account Logon
Event ID: 680
Date: 5/25/2006
Time: 3:37:15 PM
Computer: EXserver
Logon account: userid
Source Workstation: client
Error Code: 0xC0000064

Anyone else see anything else?


Based on a bit of research, it seems that the 680 event ID is indicating a
failed NTLM Authentication Attempt. The C00000064 indicates "user name does
not exist". I do not get this error when I try to connect using OL2007. I
do see these logged by people trying to connect via Outlook Web Access when
they use the wrong username or password (if the password, the code is


The only other thing I can think that might be significant is that the
machine I've installed Beta 2 on previously had Office Pro 2003. I
uninstalled it prior to attempting to install the 2007 package, and even
checked the Microsoft Uninstaller Utility to make sure it was gone.

For the others experiencing this problem, did you use a fresh machine, or
one with another version previously installed?


I like others I would suspect just did the upgrade option.

I know I am certainly not using the wrong user name and have even gone
and re-entered the username and password for the server, but still get
the same errors as above....


I did an in place upgrade of Office 2003 to Office 2007 Beta 2.
I am using the same user account as before, (which still works because
I can use OWA ok.)

It seems to be a purely Outlook 2007 issue, and how it is trying to
access the Exchaneg server.


I had the same experience, but only when I was out of the office. 2007
Outlook starts up and does it's autodetect for the server. At this point it
generates the certificate error because of the internal v. external DNS host
names, and that's where it bombs out. I finally gave up and dialed in so it
would get it's head straight, configure RPC over HTTPS, and everything's ok.

Here's the infuriating part:

This must be cached somewhere because after a few hours, and definitely
after a reboot, the cycle starts all over again. From what I can tell, the
server name in my profile doesn't match the host name in external DNS, but
now Outlooks thinks it's attaching to a new server, so it locks me out of my
OST (the OST modified date always changes with each attempt).

With 2003 I could bring up the profile and use Modify Settings to enable RPC
over HTTPS, but now I get a message saying I need to start Outlook first
(this must be a new feature). However, starting Outlook is how I got here to
begin with.

Back to Dial-Up Networking


I had MS Office 2003 Pro installed on my XP machine, I uninstalled it
completely and then I installed MS Office 2007 Beta (did not attempt an

I am running Exchange 2003 SP1.

All is well. I have had no problems.


It's been a month now. Any solutions to this issue? I can now produce it
consistently, and it appears that some security option is definitely
re-enabling itself:

When I give up and connect via VPN I get prompted for my credentials. I
also noticed that the option to encrypt data between Outlook and the server
has enabled itself in the profile. I've NEVER used that option so how is it
enabling itself on a new profile?


It's been a month now. Any solutions to this issue? I can now produce it
consistently, and it appears that some security option is definitely
re-enabling itself:

When I give up and connect via VPN I get prompted for my credentials. I
also noticed that the option to encrypt data between Outlook and the server
has enabled itself in the profile. I've NEVER used that option so how is it
enabling itself on a new profile?

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