Office 97 Upgrade



Just bought PC with Xp Media Center. Had been using '98. I own the Upgrade of
Office 97 and the full version of Works 4.5, Have been able to install Office
previously by having Works installed first. (I have successfully loaded both
onto laptop in past)
But for some reason, I cannot install onto this computer. Keeps saying it
cannot find previously installed Microsoft programs the fall under the
guideline set for using 97 Upgrade. Could someone tell me what I am doing
wrong or is this impossible with this new OS?
Warning, I am very green at this.
Thanks for any help.


Spot said:
Just bought PC with Xp Media Center. Had been using '98. I own the Upgrade of
Office 97 and the full version of Works 4.5, Have been able to install Office
previously by having Works installed first. (I have successfully loaded both
onto laptop in past)
But for some reason, I cannot install onto this computer. Keeps saying it
cannot find previously installed Microsoft programs the fall under the
guideline set for using 97 Upgrade. Could someone tell me what I am doing
wrong or is this impossible with this new OS?
Warning, I am very green at this.
Thanks for any help.

IIRC, the minimum version for Windows XP is Office 97-SR-2.


Thanks...Found out that my laptop does not have Service Pack 2 and the new pc
does. That's why I could install it on the laptop and not on the new desktop.
Guess I go shopping for a new version $$$$$!


Spot said:
Thanks...Found out that my laptop does not have Service Pack 2 and the new pc
does. That's why I could install it on the laptop and not on the new desktop.
Guess I go shopping for a new version $$$$$!

Read the answer more carefully. Office 97 seeds to be
in its SR-2 version to install in Windows XP. Upgrading
Windows XP to its SP-2 version is also OK. And also no
need to go shopping. Both SR-2 for Office 97 and SP-2
for Windows XP can be downloaded from Microsoft.

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