Office 2007 word document



Using Windows Vista along with Microsoft Office 2007. I can not email
directly from a Word document. I have tried Windows Mail and Windows Mail
Live without success. Can anyone help with the problem? Much appreciated
is you can.

Gary VanderMolen

The Send to E-mail Recipient function in Word does not work
unless the MAPI handler is installed. Typically, the MAPI handler
is installed with Outlook. I don't know if the Office 2007 install CD
has an option to install the MAPI handler sans Outlook.

Colin E. Pierce

When I type in Microsoft Office Word 2007, I run into line spacing troubles.
anything I type turns out like this;

"Dear Joe,

How are you? College Ttreating you well?"

ITS TRIPLE SPACED!!! I have tried to change it to single spaced but my
program says that triple is the lowest it can go! If anyone can help me with
my predicament, please do so

Gary VanderMolen

This newsgroup specializes in the Windows Mail program. You will
be more likely to find help for this problem by posting it in an
Office newsgroup.

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