Office 2003 shortcut problems



Hi All

I hope you can make sense of this!!

Basically our school has a suite of PCs running Office 2003 standard and a
number of classroom PCs running Office 2003 professional.

They all link up to a Win2003 server active directory/gpo setup and use
custom start menus to help the children see only the programs that are
relevant to their year group.

My problem is that the Office 2003 shortcut group (ie Word, Excel,
Powerpoint, etc) aren't standard shortcuts (eg the find target options are
disabled and there is no basic path) so when I use say the common set of
Office 2003 pro shortcuts they work fine in the classroom, but the suite PCs
(which have Office 2003 standard) don't work with these shortcuts.

Went into program files and created my own shortcuts of the Office programs,
but even though the classroom and suite could open up the relevant programs
(eg Word), the initial 'first user' install wasn't working because it was
trying to find various cab files, setups, etc.

Basically it looks like Microsoft's Office shortcuts are special ones and
even though they are the same 2003 versions and programs that I'm interested
in, the shortcuts between standard and pro appear to work differently. Does
anybody know how to get round this?

Please note that we have burst the piggy bank getting the classrooms on
office so we can't afford to go and upgrade the suite to pro as well?

Any ideas?


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