Joseph Byrns

I have an OCX I would like to use in CF2.0. I have watched the Alex Feinman
video on this and I am still a bit confused. I have run the AxImp tool on
the OCX, which then generates two dlls, do I now add a reference to these
dlls and to the OCX to my application?

I am not bothered about having the control appear in the VS IDE ToolBox, so
would this be enough?

Simon Hart

The eaiest way is to add the ActiveX control to the VS IDE toolbox then drag
it to your form as per any .NET control because it saves you work. In fact
this saves you the need to even use AxImp.exe.

Joseph Byrns

I tried adding it as a reference to the toolbox, but nothing appeared. When
I add it as a reference however, the IDE automatically creates a wrapper and
intellisense works fine, but when I deploy I get the error:

COM object with CLSID '{D388FE63-3448-4B5A-97CE-DEE16574D239}' cannot be
created due to the following error: Class not registered

Do I need to manually register this ocx? If so how?

Any help appreciated.

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