VB OCX & AxHost : Ful lFrameWork to Compact FrameWork



Hi group

I have some fonctionalities available in an OCX created with VB6. I have
import it in a Full FrameWork project dependencies, and it is usable throw 2
dll named Interop.MyOcxName.dll, and AxInterop.MyOcxName.dll. as it allways
do when i include OCX.
this two dll are using the AxHost class to make my OCX fonctionnalities

Now i try t use the OCX under Compact FrameWork, How can i do ?
the AxHost class seems not be available under CF.
I can't add the .ocx in the reference on smart device projects. seems the
case of all COM components (is ocx a COM component ? guess yes)

Is there alternatives ?

Now my OCX is a locker. It protect my software against illegal copy or
pracy. It is allow me to give some Key for allowing or not my final users to
access some fonctionalities (same as a shareware or evaluation soft, which
are locked after 30 days).
Do you know some free software who did that under CF ?


Peter Foot [MVP]

The .NET Compact Framework v1.0 does not support hosting COM/ActiveX
controls. Odyssey software have CFCOM which provides an interop layer for
ActiveX / IDispatch controls but it is rather pricey. I'm not aware of any
free libraries to provide the functionality you required. In The Hand's
Identity provides basic key based registration



Thank you peter for your help.

I have foun TLBEXP.EXE and TLBIMP.EXE in the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
2003\SDK\v1.1\Bin directory.
It allow to convert an ocx into a dll and vice versa.

but that dll seems to not work on CF. I don't try it on the FullFrameWork.
did you use it ?
could it help me ?


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