"Ocorreu um erro desconhecido"



When I was sending one e-mail with one file added the windows Mail (for
Vista version) showed me this message:

Não foi possível apresentar a mensagem
O Windows Mail encontrou um problema inesperado enquanto apresentava esta
mensagem. Verifique se o computador tem memória ou espaço em disco
insuficientes e tente novamente.


Windows Mail

The problem is that I have many free space on my memory, and now I can't
delete the message (that hasn't is still to be sended) , and also I can't
send any more messages.

Marcos R Albuquerque

Talvez tenha haver com o tamanho do arquivo q vc ta enviando ou o computador
nao tem memoria virtual suficiente. Tente reiniciar o computador...


Marcos Albuquerque


CNDL said:
When I was sending one e-mail with one file added the windows Mail (for
Vista version) showed me this message:

Não foi possível apresentar a mensagem
O Windows Mail encontrou um problema inesperado enquanto apresentava esta
mensagem. Verifique se o computador tem memória ou espaço em disco
insuficientes e tente novamente.


Windows Mail

The problem is that I have many free space on my memory, and now I can't
delete the message (that hasn't is still to be sended) , and also I can't
send any more messages.
Errors caused by interference from antivirus programs often show up that
What if any antivirus programs do you have, and have you ever had a Norton
or McAfee antivirus program on that computer, even one of the trial versions
that often come already installed on new computers?

For a temporary fix, download and install this hotfix, with Windows Mail
not running:


If you'd rather read its description in some other language, click on the
triangle under Article Translations near the top right corner, then the
language you prefer, then the arrow to the right of the triangle. Although
this hotfix is labelled as for mail stuck in the Outbox, it also works in
other folders. If you don't know whether you have a 32-bit version of
Vista or a 64-bit version, try the hotfix for the 32-bit version first.
The Vista SP1 update includes this hotfix and more, but takes longer
to install.

The hotfix or update may or may not delete the troublesome message,
but should at least make it possible for you to delete it. Note that
you occasionally have to disconnect from the internet while deleting
messages from the Outbox.


Thank you very much.

After the download of the hotfix the windows Mail started to send e-mails


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