Notify Alert.exe on start up


Karen F

When I start up my WinsXP computer I get the following popup box. Can
anyone help me to get rid of this or tell me what it means. It's only been
happening the last two days:

"Notify Alert.exe - common language runtime and debugging service (this is
written at the top of the popup.)

"application has generated an exception that could not be handled."

"process id = 0 x 120 (288) thread id = 0 x 124 (292)"

"click ok to terminate"
"click cancel to debug the application:

It won't let me debug and if I choose terminate it still keeps poping up on
start up.


Sharon F

When I start up my WinsXP computer I get the following popup box. Can
anyone help me to get rid of this or tell me what it means. It's only been
happening the last two days:

"Notify Alert.exe - common language runtime and debugging service (this is
written at the top of the popup.)

"application has generated an exception that could not be handled."

"process id = 0 x 120 (288) thread id = 0 x 124 (292)"

"click ok to terminate"
"click cancel to debug the application:

It won't let me debug and if I choose terminate it still keeps poping up on
start up.


Do you have a Dell? If yes, this is part of their support software:

Sharon F

Thanks Sharon, but how do I get rid of it?

You have several choices:
--Try reinstalling the software in the hopes of repairing whatever is
--Check with Dell for updates that may correct the program error.
--Contact Dell for their recommendations.
--Disable the software from running at startup. Use the program's own
configuration methods or, if it applies, use the process described in the
newsgroup discussion I linked before. The last article in that thread shows
a step by step procedure for doing this with MSCONFIG.
--Uninstall the software

Karen F

I tried the msconfig thing and the notifyalert.exe is not listed as one of
my "startup" items.

Sharon F

I tried the msconfig thing and the notifyalert.exe is not listed as one of
my "startup" items.

Is there anything in MSCONFIG that looks like it could be a support type of
program from your OEM? If yes, uncheck that.

Also, do a search for "notify.exe" on your system. Quite a few different
programs are capable of delivering notifications to the user - you may have
more than one on your system. If you select Details view for the search
results, you will get a path for each finding that matches your search
criteria. The path tells the location of the file. The location and the
properties of any *notify.exe file on your system may lead to a program
other than support software provided by the OEM.

Karen F

My computer is a Dell and up to today I always had the Dell alerts in my
task bar. This popup I am getting is connected to these alerts somehow.
I found alert.exe but it won't execute. When I do a search for
notify.exe, I only find a "notify.exe ini file (2 of them.) Seems like
I lost the alerts completely. They are no longer on the task bar and
won't execute from the programs menu.

Sharon F

My computer is a Dell and up to today I always had the Dell alerts in my
task bar. This popup I am getting is connected to these alerts somehow.
I found alert.exe but it won't execute. When I do a search for
notify.exe, I only find a "notify.exe ini file (2 of them.) Seems like
I lost the alerts completely. They are no longer on the task bar and
won't execute from the programs menu.

If you've never tracked down and done the troubleshooting for a problem
like this, you're doing pretty good. You've exhausted the obvious things:
startup programs, MSCONFIG entries. It's time to move on to one of the
other options in that list: try reinstalling the software, updating it or
contacting Dell about the problem it is causing on your system.

Karen F

Thanks Sharon F, you have been very helpful. The problem seems to the
with the "Dell Support" program that is on my computer. I uninstalled it
and the program is gone. I went to the Dell site and downloaded the
program again, installed it, and the popup came back. I uninstalled it
again and the problem was gone. At this point I think it's best that I
just keep the program off my computer. I really didn't use it much.
Thanks again!


Sharon F

Thanks Sharon F, you have been very helpful. The problem seems to the
with the "Dell Support" program that is on my computer. I uninstalled it
and the program is gone. I went to the Dell site and downloaded the
program again, installed it, and the popup came back. I uninstalled it
again and the problem was gone. At this point I think it's best that I
just keep the program off my computer. I really didn't use it much.
Thanks again!

You're most welcome. While convenient the support programs can be a
nuisance. They always get uninstalled here. Every now and then, use your
web browser to visit the support pages at the Dell web site and check for
updates for your system.

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