NoSound 2



I went into the device manager and there was, of course, a yellow icon next
to the Multimedia Audio Controller listed under Other Devices. Here are the
statistics it gave me:

Device Type: Other Devices
Manufacturer: Unknown
Location: PCI bus 0, device 31, function 5

I tried to reinstall the driver but Windows said it couldn't locate the
hardware in and of itself. This is what reads under the Driver tab:

Multimedia Audio Controller
Driver Provider: Unknown
Driver Date: Not available
Driver Version: Not available

I thought I clicked on some tab that sai a driver wasn't necessary but I
don't know and I an't find it again. I just want to get this sound online.
World of Warcraft just isn't the same. ; )

Rich Barry

If you can find out what sound chip you have on your Motherboard try
updating the drivers for it. Intel, Via, Nvidia should
have it on there websites.


The problem, however, is I have no idea how to find out what the sound card
is. If I knew the actual make/model I would have already installed the

Admiral Q

Is the sound card a separate card (plugs into one of the PCI slots) or is it
integrated into the motherboard?
If separate, get the FCC registration number off of it, and go to the
government page (you'll have to Google for it) and find out what that number
was issued for (all electronic products in the US have a "unique" FCC reg
number) - from there go the manufacturers web site and download the
appropriate software/drivers for it.
If built-in, go to the PC manufacturers web site (unless home-built,
then go to the motherboard manufacturers web site) and download the
software/drivers for the sound chip for you model PC or motherboard.

Star Fleet Admiral Q @ your service!
"Google is your Friend!"


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