Non-functional links to other presentations once an Autorun is created



I am using Autorun CD Project Creator Pro trial version to create a
marketing CD. The approach involves a single master presentation with
5 hyperlinked objects (boxes) to other presentations (3 are
powerpoint, 1 is a pdf and the last is an .avi inserted into a
powerpoint slide).

I have tried numerous approaches to create an autorun (Autorun CD
Project Creator Pro & PowerLinkPlus) that brings up the master
presentation and allows the user to click on the desired box (and
therefore the link) to get to the presentation they want. However, I
cannot seems use the links once I create the autorun. The master
presentation comes up fine and I can access only one of the powerpoint
presentations via a link (i.e. the mouse pointer changes from an arrow
to a finger). I have spent significant time reading other postings
and am 99.9% sure that all of the relative links are correct. I have
even recreated the master presentation several times in order to
ensure that the links were to the files in the same folder. It just
does not seem to work.

Please let me know if there is something that I am missing. Many


I'm sorry I won't be any help to you, but I'm having
similar problems, and I was interested to see that you've
done lots of searching RE: linking issues. I realize
you're pulling your hair out over your own problem right
now, but would you mind suggesting to me a few of the
more useful posts that you've found?



What about creating a web page that has links to the various presentations
and the PDF? You could have the web page come up automatically on the CD
and it would contain the links.

Echo S

You will want to contact Sonia directly for support on Autorun CD
Project Creator Pro and PowerLink Plus.

But ISTR that there's a bug with the 2003 Viewer where the objects which
hold the links cannot be transparent (no line/no fill). Or something
like that. Could that be the problem here?

Echo S

You might want to post your problem as a new post, Rich. That creates a
separate thread, and if you'll tell us what problems you're having, we
may be able to help.

Kathryn Jacobs

Echo is right. If you are using the viewer, the objects with the link have
to have a fill. The way around it is to set a fill and then set the
transparency to 100%. You should also check that the objects are fully in
front of all other objects. The new Viewer is much pickier about this than
the old one.

There are also times when the Viewer doesn't recognize action setting links.
I don't remember all the details, but it has to do with the type of object
being started.

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft PPT MVP
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Echo S said:
You will want to contact Sonia directly for support on Autorun CD
Project Creator Pro and PowerLink Plus.

But ISTR that there's a bug with the 2003 Viewer where the objects which
hold the links cannot be transparent (no line/no fill). Or something
like that. Could that be the problem here?

I am using Autorun CD Project Creator Pro trial version to create a
marketing CD. The approach involves a single master presentation with
5 hyperlinked objects (boxes) to other presentations (3 are
powerpoint, 1 is a pdf and the last is an .avi inserted into a
powerpoint slide).

I have tried numerous approaches to create an autorun (Autorun CD
Project Creator Pro & PowerLinkPlus) that brings up the master
presentation and allows the user to click on the desired box (and
therefore the link) to get to the presentation they want. However, I
cannot seems use the links once I create the autorun. The master
presentation comes up fine and I can access only one of the powerpoint
presentations via a link (i.e. the mouse pointer changes from an arrow
to a finger). I have spent significant time reading other postings
and am 99.9% sure that all of the relative links are correct. I have
even recreated the master presentation several times in order to
ensure that the links were to the files in the same folder. It just
does not seem to work.

Please let me know if there is something that I am missing. Many

Steve Rindsberg

cannot seems use the links once I create the autorun. The master
presentation comes up fine and I can access only one of the powerpoint
presentations via a link (i.e. the mouse pointer changes from an arrow
to a finger).

Which of the links works and which doesn't?
I have spent significant time reading other postings
and am 99.9% sure that all of the relative links are correct.

Our free FixLinks demo ( ) includes a links reporter
that tells you more about the links than you can determine on your own. I'd
suggest that you see what it has to say about the presentation.

You're more than welcome to email me about this at steve at-sign steve
rindsberg dot com (remove the spaces, change the obvious descriptions into the
appropriate punctuation and you've found me).

And I'd certainly get in touch with Sonia about it. We're running a contest
this month to see who's got the most legendary tech support. <g>


Steve Rindsberg said:
Which of the links works and which doesn't?

Our free FixLinks demo ( ) includes a links reporter
that tells you more about the links than you can determine on your own. I'd
suggest that you see what it has to say about the presentation.

You're more than welcome to email me about this at steve at-sign steve
rindsberg dot com (remove the spaces, change the obvious descriptions into the
appropriate punctuation and you've found me).

And I'd certainly get in touch with Sonia about it. We're running a contest
this month to see who's got the most legendary tech support. <g>

Thanks for the feedback everyone. My apologies for the tardiness in
replying. The actual problem appears to be that I had created
transparent boxes (over the text in the slide) in Powerpoint and
hyperlinkeds those boxes (none of them worked). As Echo indicated
there is an bug in the viewer which results in same not being
recognized when the autorun CD is created. The solutions was to
create images in another application (i.e. Paintshop) and import them
into the master presentation as pictures. These images were then
hyperlinked directly to the other files (both ppt and pdf) and it
works fine.


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