No Remote Desktop or Apps Sharing in Live Mess v 8



Hi Everyone,

Work colleagues in diff countries all have XP SP2 machines, all patched,
updated, IE7 etc. They are connected directly thru modems - no networks
involved. I have set up a DMZ in my router so one machine directly
connected. We can use chat, audio, video conf flawlessly - just no
application or remote desktop sharing. WE've tried every permutation
possible, turned off firewalls, had the 2 "directly " connected machines try
to share, nada. Says it cannot find the other machine (even though it video
conferences...). Ports forwarding might be an issue on my router but I've
tried to control that, and as I said, the 2 direct machines, with firewalls
down, still cannot.

It all used to work w Messenger 7.5 - only since Live v 8 and or since some
patches. Any idea how to solve this - driving us all mad.

Thanks -


Further info on this - we managed to get Remote Desktop working using Windows
Messenger 5.1 -points further toward a Live Messenger 8 issue...


Another issue - following up my info that the old Windows Messenger does seem
to work. We both had firewalls up (Zone Alarm) but we were directly
connected, rather than on local networks and gateways.

DOES IT MATTER which machine is the SOURCE or the Application to be shared,
vs the TARGET (or master-slave if you prefer)? In other words, if network
IPs are involved in the Live Messenger problem, if the SOURCE/MASTER machine
is directly connected to a modem, can the machines watching the shared
application be on a network and the IP issue (if that's the problem) gets

Or visa versa? Or will the problem persist, and BOTH machines need to be
directly connected vs. behind a router? Thanks -

Jason Tsang

If you remove Windows Messenger, Windows Live Messenger won't be able to use
Remote Assistance or Application Sharing.

Those two applications have a dependency on Windows Messenger to be
installed (in Windows XP). Remove them, and the results are predictable.

Jason Tsang - Microsoft MVP

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(and other topics that interest me)

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Jason - we all know this. We made sure all machines have updated Messenger
5.1 installed. We never said we removed it. In isolated tests, it still
works. (and yes we know they should not be actually running at the same time
as Messenger Live). That's not the problem and we don't think it's a factor.

It is Messenger LIVE that is not working-at least with the Remote Desktop
and Aps sharing functions.

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