No recordable drive found?



After I compile a video ,When I go to "save to DVD" Mavie Maker wil say
"conforming" and show a green bar. Then at the end it says " No recordable
drive found". This is windows Xp movie maker 2.1 and the original DVD burner
that came with with the computer. I have successfully saved to DVD in the
past. Does anyone know where to go to fix this bug. This "no drive found" is
driving me crazy!

Graham Hughes

XP and movie maker do not support dvd creation, you must have used another
programme such as nero or roxio.
Save your movie file as a dv.avi then import into your dvd authoring


same problem here but with Vista and Movie Maker. When i try to burn my
project it says "DVD Burner not found" and there is no option to select the
DVD burner drive. can anyone help, please please please...

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