no help on this?



my previous post went unanswered and I thought for sure some one could
confirm this problem or suggest something so I thought to repost.

when deleting across LAN, XP deletes without warning as if it is sending
file to recycle bin which can't be done across LAN. win98 properly
warns that deletes are permanent. XP will give warning if shift is on
like it would on native drive.

there doesn't seem to be any reason for MS to remove such a warning. Is
this a bug or something wrong with my installs.

for those with LAN, try and deleting a file on a mapped shared drive or
folder. You have to have the delete confirmation dialog disabled.
In win98 you get a warning that it is permanent, but not in XP.


Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]

phil said:
my previous post went unanswered and I thought for sure some one could
confirm this problem or suggest something so I thought to repost.

when deleting across LAN, XP deletes without warning as if it is
sending file to recycle bin which can't be done across LAN. win98
properly warns that deletes are permanent. XP will give warning if
shift is on like it would on native drive.

there doesn't seem to be any reason for MS to remove such a warning. Is
this a bug or something wrong with my installs.

for those with LAN, try and deleting a file on a mapped shared drive
or folder. You have to have the delete confirmation dialog disabled.
In win98 you get a warning that it is permanent, but not in XP.


That's just the way it works - as far as I know, every NT-based OS has done
the same thing. If you delete a file or folder on a network share, it
deletes it without warning.(it also moves it without warning if you click &
drag). There is no "network recycle bin" ...although if you are connecting
to a Windows 2003 server and Volume Shadow Copy is enabled on that volume,
and the Volume Shadow Client is installed on the desktop, you can recover
data from 'snapshots'. Or, check out various "network undelete"


ok, thanks, that's what my extensive research indicates also. I just
couldn't imagine why MS would remove it from w98.

Lanwench [MVP - Exchange] permanently inked into the cyberlog:

Steve Winograd [MVP]

"phil" said:
my previous post went unanswered and I thought for sure some one could
confirm this problem or suggest something so I thought to repost.

when deleting across LAN, XP deletes without warning as if it is sending
file to recycle bin which can't be done across LAN. win98 properly
warns that deletes are permanent. XP will give warning if shift is on
like it would on native drive.

there doesn't seem to be any reason for MS to remove such a warning. Is
this a bug or something wrong with my installs.

for those with LAN, try and deleting a file on a mapped shared drive or
folder. You have to have the delete confirmation dialog disabled.
In win98 you get a warning that it is permanent, but not in XP.


I've never seen a "this deletion is permanent" warning when deleting a
file across the LAN with any version of Windows.

Please tell me how to disable the delete confirmation dialog. I'd
like to do that and then try to duplicate your results.

Have you installed a program that gives the warning? Norton System
Works, perhaps?
Best Wishes,
Steve Winograd, MS-MVP (Windows Networking)

Please post any reply as a follow-up message in the news group
for everyone to see. I'm sorry, but I don't answer questions
addressed directly to me in E-mail or news groups.

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Program

Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]

phil said:
ok, thanks, that's what my extensive research indicates also. I just
couldn't imagine why MS would remove it from w98.

Win9x is based on DOS....WinNT2k/XP/2003/Vista is not. Nothing was "removed"
per se; the OSes have never been related. I haven't used Win9x in years and
can't remember ever seeing a prompt/warning such as that myself, but that's
neither here nor there, I suppose.
Lanwench [MVP - Exchange] permanently inked into the cyberlog:
That's just the way it works - as far as I know, every NT-based OS
has done the same thing. If you delete a file or folder on a network
share, it deletes it without warning.(it also moves it without
warning if you click & drag). There is no "network recycle bin"
...although if you are connecting to a Windows 2003 server and Volume
Shadow Copy is enabled on that volume, and the Volume Shadow Client
is installed on the desktop, you can recover data from 'snapshots'.
Or, check out various "network undelete" applications.


I'm just amazed that this was not an issue when XP came out, and that
the people that replied to my post are indifferent about it and everyone
else apparently feel the same way. Surely lots of users disable the
warning and expect to see it pop up when it is a permanent deletion.

Under recycle bin properties you can set or clear a warning message on
deletions. I cleared it and deletions are automatically sent to recycle
bin without warning and if you shift-del there is a warning 'are you
sure you want to delete ...' Across a lan the deletion is permanent and
not sent to a recycle bin and win98 would give the warning and xp does
not. A bad design bug or whatever.

Steve Winograd [MVP]

"phil" said:
I'm just amazed that this was not an issue when XP came out, and that
the people that replied to my post are indifferent about it and everyone
else apparently feel the same way. Surely lots of users disable the
warning and expect to see it pop up when it is a permanent deletion.

I'm interested in your question. I replied to your last message and
asked you to say how to make the "permanent" warning appear in Win98
so that I can test it.
Under recycle bin properties you can set or clear a warning message on
deletions. I cleared it and deletions are automatically sent to recycle
bin without warning and if you shift-del there is a warning 'are you
sure you want to delete ...' Across a lan the deletion is permanent and
not sent to a recycle bin and win98 would give the warning and xp does
not. A bad design bug or whatever.

Thanks for that explanation. I've done some tests, and I see the same
behavior on 98 and XP when deleting a file over the network in all
cases. It makes no differences whether "Do not move files to the
Recycle Bin. Remove files immediately when deleted" is checked or
un-checked on either computer. The warning that I see in all cases is
"Are you sure that you want to delete 'file.typ'?". If you see a
different "permanent" warning, what is its complete and exact text?

However, that warning only appears when the box "Display delete
confirmation dialog" is checked on the computer that is deleting the
file. On Win98, that box is automatically checked and grayed out when
you check "Do not move files to the Recycle Bin . . .". On XP, you
have to manually check that box when you check "Do not move files to
the Recycle Bin . . .". I suspect that you've left that box
un-checked on XP.
Best Wishes,
Steve Winograd, MS-MVP (Windows Networking)

Please post any reply as a follow-up message in the news group
for everyone to see. I'm sorry, but I don't answer questions
addressed directly to me in E-mail or news groups.

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Program


Thanks for help Steve. I'll experiment with the settings. I have the
xp recycle bin set up the same as w98. the reason I don't want the
dialog box set was because I don't want a warning when the file is
merely sent to recycle bin, which is what the option is for.

Do you get the warning when the deletion sends it to the recycle bin?
I'm guessing so, and that is what is an anoyance to me.

Anyway if you see the recycling warning let me know and I'll play with
the settings when I get to work where the LAN is.\

Steve Winograd [MVP] permanently inked into the cyberlog:

Steve Winograd [MVP]

"phil" said:
Steve Winograd [MVP] permanently inked into the cyberlog:

Thanks for help Steve. I'll experiment with the settings. I have the
xp recycle bin set up the same as w98. the reason I don't want the
dialog box set was because I don't want a warning when the file is
merely sent to recycle bin, which is what the option is for.

You're welcome. I don't think that's what the option is for. The
option applies to all types of deletion: local with recycle bin, local
without recycle bin, and network without recycle bin.
Do you get the warning when the deletion sends it to the recycle bin?
I'm guessing so, and that is what is an anoyance to me.

I'm sorry, but I don't understand your question. In my experience,
deleting a file over the network never sends it to the recycle bin in
any version of Windows.
Anyway if you see the recycling warning let me know and I'll play with
the settings when I get to work where the LAN is.

If "Display delete confirmation dialog" is checked, I see a deletion
warning, not a recycling warning. If "Display delete confirmation
dialog" is un-checked, I don't see any warning. I never see a
recycling warning when deleting a file over the network.
Best Wishes,
Steve Winograd, MS-MVP (Windows Networking)

Please post any reply as a follow-up message in the news group
for everyone to see. I'm sorry, but I don't answer questions
addressed directly to me in E-mail or news groups.

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Program


Appreciate your patience but let me start over, we seem to be getting
mixed up.

win98, the recycle bin delete confirmation was disabled. this caused
any local file deletions to be sent to the recycle bin without
confirmation dialog. If you hold the shift down a popup warning came up
saying it will be permanently deleted. Over the LAN if you deleted with
or without holding the shift down, the popup would properly warn you
that it will be permanently deleted.

XP, this is not so, deletions over LAN are permanent and without warning
no matter how I set my oprions. Why would they remove such an obvious
design? Or more to the point of my real question. Is this only on my
machine or is this the design with XP and if it is not then how can I
fix it?

Steve Winograd [MVP]

"phil" said:
Appreciate your patience but let me start over, we seem to be getting
mixed up.

win98, the recycle bin delete confirmation was disabled. this caused
any local file deletions to be sent to the recycle bin without
confirmation dialog. If you hold the shift down a popup warning came up
saying it will be permanently deleted. Over the LAN if you deleted with
or without holding the shift down, the popup would properly warn you
that it will be permanently deleted.

XP, this is not so, deletions over LAN are permanent and without warning
no matter how I set my oprions. Why would they remove such an obvious
design? Or more to the point of my real question. Is this only on my
machine or is this the design with XP and if it is not then how can I
fix it?

I'm sorry, but, I must not understand your question. I've tried
repeatedly to duplicate the behavior you describe, and I can't do it.

In my experience, no version of Windows ever puts a file in the
Recycle Bin when you delete the file over the network. Have you seen
anything different? If so, what exactly happens?

In my experience, no version of Windows ever gives a warning that
specifically says that a file is being permanently deleted when you
delete the file over the network. I see the warning "Are you sure you
want to delete 'file.typ'?" Have you seen anything different? If so,
what exactly does it say?

To always get a deletion warning in XP:

1. Right-click the Recycle Bin.
2. Click Properties.
3. Put a check mark in the box "Display delete confirmation dialog".

Win98 automatically puts a check mark in that box when you put a check
mark in the box that says "Don't not move files to the Recycle Bin.
Remove files immediately when deleted".

XP does not automatically put a check mark in that box when you put a
check mark in the box that says "Don't not move files to the Recycle
Bin. Remove files immediately when deleted". You have to do it

If that doesn't help, please give a detailed list of steps that show
exactly how to get the behavior that you want to change. If you'll
describe exactly what you do on both computers, I'll try one more
Best Wishes,
Steve Winograd, MS-MVP (Windows Networking)

Please post any reply as a follow-up message in the news group
for everyone to see. I'm sorry, but I don't answer questions
addressed directly to me in E-mail or news groups.

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Program


In my experience, no version of Windows ever puts a file in the
Recycle Bin when you delete the file over the network.

no argument there. I agree, no windows os puts the LAN file in the
recycle bin when you delete it.

What I'm saying is win98 sends a popup confirmation that the file will
be permanently deleted and XP does not. XP deletes it, out, nada, no
more file, without a warning a whimper a 'bless you' a hiccup, a wink.
Nothing, nada. win98 doesn't. Win98 properly notifies you when the file
will be pernamently deleted.

I appreciate your help but apparently MS has screwed up and deleted that
feature from XP. They done a lot of overhaul on the intranet features
of windows moving to XP. They removed a lot in home edition and added
more security etc to pro.

One more setting I haven't tried. When I get to my LAN I will try
setting the machines to configure recycle bin by drive instead of
globally. That isn't related to the confirmation dialog but maybe it
will kick in the feature that I refer to.

Steve Winograd [MVP]

"phil" said:
no argument there. I agree, no windows os puts the LAN file in the
recycle bin when you delete it.

What I'm saying is win98 sends a popup confirmation that the file will
be permanently deleted and XP does not. XP deletes it, out, nada, no
more file, without a warning a whimper a 'bless you' a hiccup, a wink.
Nothing, nada. win98 doesn't. Win98 properly notifies you when the file
will be pernamently deleted.

I appreciate your help but apparently MS has screwed up and deleted that
feature from XP. They done a lot of overhaul on the intranet features
of windows moving to XP. They removed a lot in home edition and added
more security etc to pro.

One more setting I haven't tried. When I get to my LAN I will try
setting the machines to configure recycle bin by drive instead of
globally. That isn't related to the confirmation dialog but maybe it
will kick in the feature that I refer to.

I don't think that MS has screwed up. I don't think that MS removed
anything from XP. I get the same behavior on 98 and XP after making
the required settings.

On XP, you must manually put a check mark in the box that says
"Display delete confirmation dialog". Have you done that? Please
answer "Yes" or "No" to remove all doubt.
Best Wishes,
Steve Winograd, MS-MVP (Windows Networking)

Please post any reply as a follow-up message in the news group
for everyone to see. I'm sorry, but I don't answer questions
addressed directly to me in E-mail or news groups.

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Program


Steve Winograd [MVP] permanently inked into the cyberlog:
I don't think that MS has screwed up. I don't think that MS removed
anything from XP. I get the same behavior on 98 and XP after making
the required settings.

On XP, you must manually put a check mark in the box that says
"Display delete confirmation dialog". Have you done that? Please
answer "Yes" or "No" to remove all doubt.

?? Yes I tried that. The standard confirmation box comes up to verify
user wants to send file to Recycle Bin. I don't want to be incesstantly
reminded when I send a file to the recycle bin.

I said before that is annoying and intolerable to most power users. And
most experienced users clear that option so they don't see that

If you hold shift down win98 warns that the deletion is permanent.
Whether you hold down the shift or not when deleting across LAN win98
warns that the deletion is permanent. XP does not.

MS removed this feature or screwed up whatever one wants to call it.

If nobody has a fix then I'm done here.

Steve Winograd [MVP]

I don't think that MS has screwed up. I don't think that MS removed
?? Yes I tried that. The standard confirmation box comes up to verify
user wants to send file to Recycle Bin. I don't want to be incesstantly
reminded when I send a file to the recycle bin.

I said before that is annoying and intolerable to most power users. And
most experienced users clear that option so they don't see that

If you hold shift down win98 warns that the deletion is permanent.
Whether you hold down the shift or not when deleting across LAN win98
warns that the deletion is permanent. XP does not.

MS removed this feature or screwed up whatever one wants to call it.

If nobody has a fix then I'm done here.

When I hold down the Shift key in XP and delete a file across the LAN,
I get a "Confirm File Delete" window saying "Are you sure you want to
delete 'file.typ'?

Is that what you mean when you say that Win98 "warns that the deletion
is permanent"? If so, I'm all out of ideas. I can't duplicate the
behavior that you describe in XP, and I don't know why your results
are different.
Best Wishes,
Steve Winograd, MS-MVP (Windows Networking)

Please post any reply as a follow-up message in the news group
for everyone to see. I'm sorry, but I don't answer questions
addressed directly to me in E-mail or news groups.

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Program


When I hold down the Shift key in XP and delete a file across the LAN,
I get a "Confirm File Delete" window saying "Are you sure you want to
delete 'file.typ'?

Is that what you mean when you say that Win98 "warns that the deletion
is permanent"? If so, I'm all out of ideas. I can't duplicate the
behavior that you describe in XP, and I don't know why your results
are different.

When you hold the shift key in XP and delete a file across the LAN you
get that window. That's because you hold the shift key down and are
going to permanently delete the file, across a LAN or not.

When you do not hold the shift key down in XP and delete a file across
the LAn you do not get a window. That simple. Yes it does permanently
delete a file but you get no window of such pending doom. In win98 that
is not the case. Therefore MS screwed up. Simple as that. No fix, I

Thanks all bye

Steve Winograd [MVP]

"phil" said:
When you hold the shift key in XP and delete a file across the LAN you
get that window. That's because you hold the shift key down and are
going to permanently delete the file, across a LAN or not.

When you do not hold the shift key down in XP and delete a file across
the LAn you do not get a window. That simple. Yes it does permanently
delete a file but you get no window of such pending doom. In win98 that
is not the case. Therefore MS screwed up. Simple as that. No fix, I

When I do not hold the shift key down, I DO get that window, provided
that I've explicitly put a check mark in the box (in XP's Recycle Bin
properties) that says "Display delete confirmation dialog". I don't
think that MS screwed up. It's as simple as that.

I don't know why you don't get that window.
Thanks all bye

You're welcome. Bye.
Best Wishes,
Steve Winograd, MS-MVP (Windows Networking)

Please post any reply as a follow-up message in the news group
for everyone to see. I'm sorry, but I don't answer questions
addressed directly to me in E-mail or news groups.

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Program

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