no audio in dv-avi



i have a canon zr-60 connected by firewire. when i capture DV-AVI to mm2 i get great video but NO SOUND AT ALL. there is no audio in the timeline so i know there is no sound being recorded to the file. i searched the message boards and many have this problem. when i record as lower quality wmv. i do get sound but, of course, degraded picture. papa john suggested that it could be a setting or something - has anyone found a solution?

John Kelly

Hi there,

If you are using a USB connection you will not get sound...USB and Video is
a No No. Instead if you have a look at your manual you will see you have
DV-AVI output from the cameras Firewire connection. That is the proper way
to do it. So if you have not got a firewire card and cable you need to get
one fitted.


sorry if i wasn't clear in my first post. my camera is connected by firewire (not USB) from my dv-avi output on my camera to my firewire card in my pc. i get no sound. someone please have an answer...


Here's a workaround, if you can spare the hard drive
space: record it twice, once using DV-AVI and once using
wmv. Then drag the wmv to the audio track and the avi to
the video track.
-----Original Message-----
sorry if i wasn't clear in my first post. my camera is
connected by firewire (not USB) from my dv-avi output on
my camera to my firewire card in my pc. i get no sound.
someone please have an answer...


that will work if i can sync it up correctly - thanks for the idea - however, if anyone hears of a solution to the "no audio in DV-AVI please post it - thanks dearingj


I have encountered this problem using Movie Maker 1 with a Canon camcorder via Firewire

The problems seems to arise when using the automated capture procedure. If I click the play button in Movie Maker and then click record, the audio is included in the final file. If I go with the automated capture (such as capturing 15 minutes of material), no audio is included. This must be a bug in Movie Maker, because other software on the same machine with the same set-up does not have this problem

In short, to get around this, try choosing play and then record on the Movie Maker capturing interface box.

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