News Group Moderator


Michael Stevens

As always we get more than we expect from you, thanks and this has nothing
to do with any last word.

Michael Stevens MS-MVP XP
(e-mail address removed)

"David Candy" <.> wrote in message
Famous last words

People who are famous for being famous can reach their acme of notoriety via
a biographical theatre work. Paul Keating will be the subject of Keating!
The Country Soul Opera We Had to Have, opening in August at the Studio. So,
how many words rhyme with scumbag? Jerry "two trannies and a bisexual dwarf"
Springer is far too trashy for a mere musical - he scored the ultimate in
low-rent by getting his own opera.

Pail Keating is our previous Prime Minister.
Read David defending the concept of violence.
Michael Stevens said:
Plato said:
Scum. First Definition.

"A filmy layer of extraneous or impure matter that forms on or rises to
the surface of a liquid or body of water."

Thanks for clearing this up, XP users are far better informed with this
critical information, and we are now back on topic.
Keep impure water out of your XP computer so scum [American Scum] does not
grow and cause no boot situations.
Sorry David, we cannot fix the Australian Scum strain. :cool:
Michael Stevens MS-MVP XP
(e-mail address removed)
For a better newsgroup experience. Setup a newsreader.


The problem with putting someone in your 'block sender' list is that when
they pick on you ,,, you never know why everyone else is snickering.

Philip K.

Thanks. My feelings exactly. Why put up with aggressive attack dogs when they can be kept out?

Life's too short to be wasting precious time on this off-topic ranter. Killfile.
Hi Dave,
Thanks for your prompt reply.
I like your posts. They invariably contain interesting information. Just a few small points.
1. Why not keep a "Get Lost" list?
2. Why not let these people know that they are mentally ill? That's no skin off my nose. I am sure that they know it anyway. Do Kurtrail and John Candy actually hold down jobs?
3. Come on now -- don't I get equal rights to let off steam.
3. This gives me an idea for a thread title that should smoke out some more of these guys -- "On the Exact Nature of the Mental Illness of Angry Posters by Doctor Phil". Then zap -- they are on my "Get Lost" list.
4. Anyway, they are now good riddance. I hope that you do not regret having empowered me to get them out of my sight.
5. I am not thin skinned. Did I ever complain that you spelled Philip with two els?
Question: How did you become so knowledgeable in so many areas?
Thanks again for directing me to that little command that creates a "Get Lost" list. I also appreciated that little explanation on the nature of a kill file. Did I ever thank you for your response in that news group on security? If not, I thank you now. Did you notice that you and you alone were the only one to provide the name of an organization that monitored anti-virus software. Why be kind to Kurttrail just because he rants and raves about anti-virus software.
Oh No --- Look Out --- We are "OFF TOPIC". Here comes Kurttrail.

Philip K.

I just noticed that you are a user of Photoshop and are familiar with
other graphics programs. I am an amateur photographer and user of the poor
man's cousin to Photoshop; i.e. Corel's Photopaint. However, they seem to
be losing ground and rumor has it that they may even give up Photopaint
entirely. Are there any other medium priced graphics programs with similar
capabilities -- at least layers, blending, and a complete set of tools for
working in Lab color mode. I have become addicted to Lab. (Photoshop is
off limits to an amateur at its price of $1,200. ) If you wish, you can
reply in another news group. We might enrage the trolls by being OFF TOPIC.
Thanks for any comments.

Life's too short to be wasting precious time on this off-topic ranter.
Hi Dave,
Thanks for your prompt reply.
I like your posts. They invariably contain interesting information.
Just a few small points.
1. Why not keep a "Get Lost" list?
2. Why not let these people know that they are mentally ill? That's no skin
off my nose. I am sure that they know it anyway. Do Kurtrail and John
Candy actually hold down jobs?
3. Come on now -- don't I get equal rights to let off steam.
3. This gives me an idea for a thread title that should smoke out some more
of these guys -- "On the Exact Nature of the Mental Illness of Angry Posters
by Doctor Phil". Then zap -- they are on my "Get Lost" list.
4. Anyway, they are now good riddance. I hope that you do not regret
having empowered me to get them out of my sight.
5. I am not thin skinned. Did I ever complain that you spelled Philip with
two els?
Question: How did you become so knowledgeable in so many areas?
Thanks again for directing me to that little command that creates a "Get
Lost" list. I also appreciated that little explanation on the nature of a
kill file. Did I ever thank you for your response in that news group on
security? If not, I thank you now. Did you notice that you and you alone
were the only one to provide the name of an organization that monitored
anti-virus software. Why be kind to Kurttrail just because he rants and
raves about anti-virus software.
Oh No --- Look Out --- We are "OFF TOPIC". Here comes Kurttrail.

David H. Lipman

From: "Philip K." <[email protected]>

| I just noticed that you are a user of Photoshop and are familiar with
| other graphics programs. I am an amateur photographer and user of the poor
| man's cousin to Photoshop; i.e. Corel's Photopaint. However, they seem to
| be losing ground and rumor has it that they may even give up Photopaint
| entirely. Are there any other medium priced graphics programs with similar
| capabilities -- at least layers, blending, and a complete set of tools for
| working in Lab color mode. I have become addicted to Lab. (Photoshop is
| off limits to an amateur at its price of $1,200. ) If you wish, you can
| reply in another news group. We might enrage the trolls by being OFF TOPIC.
| Thanks for any comments.

Paint Shop Pro

Adobe Photoshop Elements.

Do you use a dSLR ?


Philip said:
I just noticed that you are a user of Photoshop and are familiar with
other graphics programs. I am an amateur photographer and user of the poor
man's cousin to Photoshop; i.e. Corel's Photopaint. However, they seem to
be losing ground and rumor has it that they may even give up Photopaint
entirely. Are there any other medium priced graphics programs with similar
capabilities -- at least layers, blending, and a complete set of tools for
working in Lab color mode. I have become addicted to Lab. (Photoshop is
off limits to an amateur at its price of $1,200. ) If you wish, you can
reply in another news group. We might enrage the trolls by being OFF TOPIC.
Thanks for any comments.

Life's too short to be wasting precious time on this off-topic ranter.
Hi Dave,
Thanks for your prompt reply.
I like your posts. They invariably contain interesting information.
Just a few small points.
1. Why not keep a "Get Lost" list?
2. Why not let these people know that they are mentally ill? That's no skin
off my nose. I am sure that they know it anyway. Do Kurtrail and John
Candy actually hold down jobs?
3. Come on now -- don't I get equal rights to let off steam.
3. This gives me an idea for a thread title that should smoke out some more
of these guys -- "On the Exact Nature of the Mental Illness of Angry Posters
by Doctor Phil". Then zap -- they are on my "Get Lost" list.
4. Anyway, they are now good riddance. I hope that you do not regret
having empowered me to get them out of my sight.
5. I am not thin skinned. Did I ever complain that you spelled Philip with
two els?
Question: How did you become so knowledgeable in so many areas?
Thanks again for directing me to that little command that creates a "Get
Lost" list. I also appreciated that little explanation on the nature of a
kill file. Did I ever thank you for your response in that news group on
security? If not, I thank you now. Did you notice that you and you alone
were the only one to provide the name of an organization that monitored
anti-virus software. Why be kind to Kurttrail just because he rants and
raves about anti-virus software.
Oh No --- Look Out --- We are "OFF TOPIC". Here comes Kurttrail.

Give this a try, I think it may appeal to you. Good luck.

Philip K.

Thanks for the lead. However, right or wrong, I was told by a post in the
Photoshop Forum that Elements did not have the capabilities that I want;
i.e. layers (objects in Photopaint) or a set of Lab tools. I have become
addicted to both.
I used a reflex film camera for many years. However, I now photograph
mostly my grandchildren and their little friends. I switched to a long zoom
Kodak digital camera based on a few reviews and the price. It enables me to
stand well back in a playground so that the kids do not start posing. I am
sure that a professional photographer would prefer a dSLR simply because the
CCD is larger and so provides a greater dynamic range and a lower noise
Say, thanks for the interest. You are a "Renaissance Man".



Congratulation for Aussies to qualify for the world Cup finals!
Hopefully, Australa will be in the England's group with USA perhaps!.

Did Australia sleep that night? Doubt it very much. First time since
1974 - you deserve to celebrate.


Uncle Joe

I don't know where you're coming up with the $1,200 price
for Photoshop. One can obtain the full Adobe Photoshop CS2
application from for $555.99. Check it out.

Philip K.

Well, that was the price on Adobe's site a few months ago. Just now it was
$899 plus tax. CS3 must be just around the corner.
Reminds me of a very old joke.

Man goes to doctor with back pain.
Dr: Put on cold compresses
Man puts on cold compresses -- gets worse.
Man's Wife: Idiot. Put on hot compresses
Man puts on hot compresses. Gets better. Returns to doctor.
Man: Cold compresses made me worse. My wife's hot compresses made me
Dr: (shrugs shoulders) My wife recommends cold compresses

Maybe I should just stay with Photopaint, (cold compress)
Thanks for the lead though.

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