News Group Moderator


Ken Blake, MVP

Philip said:
I also thank Ken Blake whose simple direct answer came in after my
last thank you post to Alias and David H. Lipman.

You're welcome. Glad to help.

Philip K.

Oops. I missed putting your name on the "Get Lost" list.
Did Kurt answer the original post by telling me who is monitoring the
Freeware virus protection software in any of his insane ranting and raving?
Do you think he was merely "abrasive" about telling Mazza's Granny about a
stick up her ass. Do you really think he was about to help with info on a
killfile? If so, read his whining that only serial killers who have
tortured little animals will use a killfile. Did you read the poem that his
buddy John Candy wrote or the coarse filth that he routinely put on the
internet. An automatic filter must have removed my post quoting these
people. Ask Bruce Chambers to email you a copy of my complete post. That
great honest fellow conveniently omitted the most relevant parts of my post.
What about the obnoxious fools who constantly shout "off topic" when
they have nothing to offer all the while that their own ranting and raving
is off topic.
Don't tell me to roll with any punches. If you like being punched and
insulted then go roll in the slime and post what you have learned from your
wonderful experience. Also keep your personal advice to yourself. It's off
topic you know.
Did you call this a rant thread? Why -- because I asked about a killfile
and that upset some of the trolls, lunatics, wise guys, and other assorted
mental cases who are now locked out of my sight. I also received three
decent, straightforward, to the point, short and informative messages. I
will continue to use that "new found knowledge" to block the mentally ill
who now seem to include pompous masochists like yourself.
If you are still there, thanks again to Alias, David L Lipman, and Ken
Blake. You have no idea how much you have helped. It's a pleasure to browse
this news group now that I see only technical questions and answers.

David H. Lipman

From: "Philip K." <[email protected]>

| Oops. I missed putting your name on the "Get Lost" list.
| Did Kurt answer the original post by telling me who is monitoring the
| Freeware virus protection software in any of his insane ranting and raving?
| Do you think he was merely "abrasive" about telling Mazza's Granny about a
| stick up her ass. Do you really think he was about to help with info on a
| killfile? If so, read his whining that only serial killers who have
| tortured little animals will use a killfile. Did you read the poem that his
| buddy John Candy wrote or the coarse filth that he routinely put on the
| internet. An automatic filter must have removed my post quoting these
| people. Ask Bruce Chambers to email you a copy of my complete post. That
| great honest fellow conveniently omitted the most relevant parts of my post.
| What about the obnoxious fools who constantly shout "off topic" when
| they have nothing to offer all the while that their own ranting and raving
| is off topic.
| Don't tell me to roll with any punches. If you like being punched and
| insulted then go roll in the slime and post what you have learned from your
| wonderful experience. Also keep your personal advice to yourself. It's off
| topic you know.
| Did you call this a rant thread? Why -- because I asked about a killfile
| and that upset some of the trolls, lunatics, wise guys, and other assorted
| mental cases who are now locked out of my sight. I also received three
| decent, straightforward, to the point, short and informative messages. I
| will continue to use that "new found knowledge" to block the mentally ill
| who now seem to include pompous masochists like yourself.
| If you are still there, thanks again to Alias, David L Lipman, and Ken
| Blake. You have no idea how much you have helped. It's a pleasure to browse
| this news group now that I see only technical questions and answers.

I'm still here...

However, Michael is right. One must learn to have thick skin when in a News Group. The
Microsoft News Groups are quite tame. There are 10's of thousands of News Groups in UseNet
and some can be quite vicious. You don't know what a real "flame war" is or what can really

What you have seen is nothing. Take the good information you have receieved and ignore the
replies from what you consider to be "idiots" or "morons" or those who are just plain

You can learn much from News Groups. Some is information that is multi-layered. Remeber
what I have said -- One must learn to have thick skin when in a News Group.

Good Luck to 'ya Phillip !

Philip K.

Since you have been so kind as to give me personal advice, how about
letting me know what other topics will cause a "rant thread"? I will post
them immediately. That should draw out a few more trolls and lunatics so
that I can get them on my "Get Lost" list. Then I will not stumble into
them when browsing this news group.

Michael Stevens

David H. Lipman said:
I'm still here...

However, Michael is right. One must learn to have thick skin when in
a News Group. The Microsoft News Groups are quite tame. There are
10's of thousands of News Groups in UseNet and some can be quite
vicious. You don't know what a real "flame war" is or what can
really transpire.

What you have seen is nothing. Take the good information you have
receieved and ignore the replies from what you consider to be
"idiots" or "morons" or those who are just plain disagreeable.

You can learn much from News Groups. Some is information that is
multi-layered. Remeber what I have said -- One must learn to have
thick skin when in a News Group.

Good Luck to 'ya Phillip !

I am afraid Philip K's skin is never going to thicken if my post upset him
as much as it seems to. Not my problem and certainly not one I will dwell

But good luck PK, sorry I pi$$ed you off, wasn't my intention.

Michael Stevens MS-MVP XP
(e-mail address removed)
For a better newsgroup experience. Setup a newsreader.

Philip K.

Hi Dave,
Thanks for your prompt reply.
I like your posts. They invariably contain interesting information. Just a few small points.
1. Why not keep a "Get Lost" list?
2. Why not let these people know that they are mentally ill? That's no skin off my nose. I am sure that they know it anyway. Do Kurtrail and John Candy actually hold down jobs?
3. Come on now -- don't I get equal rights to let off steam.
3. This gives me an idea for a thread title that should smoke out some more of these guys -- "On the Exact Nature of the Mental Illness of Angry Posters by Doctor Phil". Then zap -- they are on my "Get Lost" list.
4. Anyway, they are now good riddance. I hope that you do not regret having empowered me to get them out of my sight.
5. I am not thin skinned. Did I ever complain that you spelled Philip with two els?
Question: How did you become so knowledgeable in so many areas?
Thanks again for directing me to that little command that creates a "Get Lost" list. I also appreciated that little explanation on the nature of a kill file. Did I ever thank you for your response in that news group on security? If not, I thank you now. Did you notice that you and you alone were the only one to provide the name of an organization that monitored anti-virus software. Why be kind to Kurttrail just because he rants and raves about anti-virus software.
Oh No --- Look Out --- We are "OFF TOPIC". Here comes Kurttrail.


Kurt is abrasive, but certainly one not to dismiss. I don't
agree with him on very much,

Lier. You never agree on anything with Kurt. PERIOD. To make things
worse for you Kurt had a wonderful dossier about your lies on his
website. Perhaps it will reapear one of these days.

Hope this puts the record straight.

David H. Lipman

Replies are inline...

Hi Dave,
Thanks for your prompt reply.
I like your posts. They invariably contain interesting information. Just a few
small points.

1. Why not keep a "Get Lost" list?

Get Lost list ?

Just "killfile" them. Why fight the Ripp Tide.

2. Why not let these people know that they are mentally ill? That's no skin off my nose. I
am sure that they know it anyway. Do Kurtrail and John Candy actually hold down jobs?

"Do not feed the Trolls, it just makes them grow !" is a famous UseNet mantra. Learn it !

3. Come on now -- don't I get equal rights to let off steam.

This is a place to discusss Windows XP -- Not to let off steam. The objective *is* to stay
On Topic !
Advice: Don't be what you don't like in others.

4. This gives me an idea for a thread title that should smoke out some more of these guys --
"On the Exact Nature of the Mental Illness of Angry Posters by Doctor Phil". Then zap --
they are on my "Get Lost" list.

No -- Keep "On Topic". Don't turn into a Troll.

5 Anyway, they are now good riddance. I hope that you do not regret having empowered me to
get them out of my sight.

Knowledge is empowerment. That's my goal, give knowledge, provide empowerment.

5. I am not thin skinned. Did I ever complain that you spelled Philip with two els?

I often embarass myself with stupid spelling errors. Hopefully the gist of what I am trying
to convey gets through. as for being thin skinned -- Yes, that's how I and others are
perceiving this discourse.

You asked -- "Question: How did you become so knowledgeable in so many areas?"

Not important.

You said -- "Thanks again for directing me to that little command that creates a "Get Lost"
list. I also appreciated that little explanation on the nature of a kill file. Did I ever
thank you for your response in that news group on security? If not, I thank you now. Did
you notice that you and you alone were the only one to provide the name of an organization
that monitored anti-virus software. Why be kind to Kurttrail just because he rants and
raves about anti-virus software."

I ignore Kurtrail. However, I am often amused by his posts. This is one of the very few
posts in this News Group I have mentioned his name.

You stated "Oh No --- Look Out --- We are "OFF TOPIC". Here comes Kurttrail."

No doubt ! Top Posting and using HTML won't gain you favour.
Are you DELIBERATELY trying provoke responses. I get the feeling you are. It's NOT a good

This is enough Off Topic discussion for me. I'd rather discuss the technical aspects of
this or other OS' and of course what I really like, INFOSEC and COMSEC.

You are most welcome if I have assisted you. I hope I can further assist you on technical
aspects. This kind of diatribe is not "my cup of tea".

Philip K.

Sorry about that Bruce Chambers. I apologize. I meant to refer to the
post by Ian Anderson. It's like the good old days. It's hard to know where
all the tracer bullets are coming from. In the confusion, we sometimes
fired back at friendly fire. That's what happened here.

Philip K.

OK, OK . I was not punching at you. At least not hard punches. You
should not be so thin skinned. (Does that sound like the usual paranoiac's
response. I have to get in practice for those other Usenet groups.) My
ranting and raving was directed at Kurt and my memories of an encounter with
that other useful genius - John Candy. His little poem brought back
memories. I am also irritated (not really really mad) with the wise guys
who clog up the internet with smart alec non-answers as they did on this
Which brings up another question. Would you know why my post was
censored whereas the original posts which I quoted were not? And how did
Ian (the terrible) Anderson get ahold of it?
I apologize
Peace. That's a direct quote from Kurt.

Michael Stevens

Lier. You never agree on anything with Kurt. PERIOD. To make things
worse for you Kurt had a wonderful dossier about your lies on his
website. Perhaps it will reapear one of these days.

Hope this puts the record straight.

In case you are being serious and I saw it in a humor impaired mode. :cool:
That would be "liar" and you would also be wrong on putting the record
straight. I do and have agreed with kurttrail on many occasions.
Also we have reconciled our past hostilities and disagreements and kurt
removed the "dossier" as you call it for reasons only he determined was
appropriate. I doubt he would ever see a reason for it to reappear as we
have both established an understanding and trust even in our differences. At
least when he calls me the scum of the world and my family is too, I
understand it's not personal. He's just making a point. LOL
Michael Stevens MS-MVP XP
(e-mail address removed)
For a better newsgroup experience. Setup a newsreader.

David Candy

Why does he call you semen (Scum - english slang for seman several centuries ago) of the world? What does he know that we don't?

Michael Stevens

Philip K. said:
OK, OK . I was not punching at you. At least not hard punches. You
should not be so thin skinned. (Does that sound like the usual
paranoiac's response. I have to get in practice for those other
Usenet groups.) My ranting and raving was directed at Kurt and my
memories of an encounter with that other useful genius - John Candy. His
little poem brought back memories. I am also irritated (not
really really mad) with the wise guys who clog up the internet with
smart alec non-answers as they did on this thread.
Which brings up another question. Would you know why my post was
censored whereas the original posts which I quoted were not? And how
did Ian (the terrible) Anderson get ahold of it?
I apologize
Peace. That's a direct quote from Kurt.

Don't know why, wasn't following the thread, but lots of posts have been
pulled lately or the servers are having problems.
BTW, it's David Candy, sadly the brilliant comedian John Candy died much too
Also filtering [block sender, kill file, etc.] David Candy is depriving
yourself of one of the most brilliant minds that gives freely of his vast
knowledge on these newsgroups. That was what I was trying to convey to you
in my first ever post to you. Best to ignore rather than filter.
Yes, contrary to what you believe, your skin is very thin. But so was mine
when I started, in fact, I don't think I had any skin. :cool:

Michael Stevens MS-MVP XP
(e-mail address removed)
For a better newsgroup experience. Setup a newsreader.

Michael Stevens MS-MVP XP
(e-mail address removed)
For a better newsgroup experience. Setup a newsreader.

Michael Stevens

David Candy said:
Why does he call you semen (Scum - english slang for seman several
centuries ago) of the world? What does he know that we don't?

No, No, No, scum the American slang, like you see on a polluted pond or like
environment. LOL He does not know me that well!!!!!!! :cool:
He has never actually called me that (afaik) but if he ever did I would be
very offended and I would call him a like name that would escalate into a
full blown war that would continue until.........................NAAaa, I
would ignore it and stay on topic with viable info for rebuttal.
Michael Stevens MS-MVP XP
(e-mail address removed)
For a better newsgroup experience. Setup a newsreader.


David Candy

Scum hasn't been used that way for a few hundred years but survives in Scumbag - Scum = semen and bag = pig intestines (condom) hence scumbag - a used condom.

It a term used in Australian politics.

Michael Stevens

But trust me, kuttrail does not know me that well!!!! Scum was used in the
American slang term, not the context of scumbag. You know the scum that you
see when you go into your sons first apartment and look in the refrigerator,
or what you find when you look in the toilet when you get to your vacation
So how's the weather where you live? It's really been nice here, little
humidity, very unfavorable for scum development BTW. :cool:
Michael Stevens MS-MVP XP
(e-mail address removed)
For a better newsgroup experience. Setup a newsreader.



Michael said:
But trust me, kuttrail does not know me that well!!!! Scum was used in the
American slang term, not the context of scumbag. You know the scum that you
see when you go into your sons first apartment and look in the refrigerator,
or what you find when you look in the toilet when you get to your vacation

Scum. First Definition.

"A filmy layer of extraneous or impure matter that forms on or rises to
the surface of a liquid or body of water."

Uncle Joe

Life's too short to be wasting precious time on this off-topic ranter. Killfile.
Hi Dave,
Thanks for your prompt reply.
I like your posts. They invariably contain interesting information. Just a few small points.
1. Why not keep a "Get Lost" list?
2. Why not let these people know that they are mentally ill? That's no skin off my nose. I am sure that they know it anyway. Do Kurtrail and John Candy actually hold down jobs?
3. Come on now -- don't I get equal rights to let off steam.
3. This gives me an idea for a thread title that should smoke out some more of these guys -- "On the Exact Nature of the Mental Illness of Angry Posters by Doctor Phil". Then zap -- they are on my "Get Lost" list.
4. Anyway, they are now good riddance. I hope that you do not regret having empowered me to get them out of my sight.
5. I am not thin skinned. Did I ever complain that you spelled Philip with two els?
Question: How did you become so knowledgeable in so many areas?
Thanks again for directing me to that little command that creates a "Get Lost" list. I also appreciated that little explanation on the nature of a kill file. Did I ever thank you for your response in that news group on security? If not, I thank you now. Did you notice that you and you alone were the only one to provide the name of an organization that monitored anti-virus software. Why be kind to Kurttrail just because he rants and raves about anti-virus software.
Oh No --- Look Out --- We are "OFF TOPIC". Here comes Kurttrail.

Michael Stevens

Plato said:
Scum. First Definition.

"A filmy layer of extraneous or impure matter that forms on or rises to
the surface of a liquid or body of water."

Thanks for clearing this up, XP users are far better informed with this
critical information, and we are now back on topic.
Keep impure water out of your XP computer so scum [American Scum] does not
grow and cause no boot situations.
Sorry David, we cannot fix the Australian Scum strain. :cool:
Michael Stevens MS-MVP XP
(e-mail address removed)
For a better newsgroup experience. Setup a newsreader.

David Candy

Famous last words

People who are famous for being famous can reach their acme of notoriety via a biographical theatre work. Paul Keating will be the subject of Keating! The Country Soul Opera We Had to Have, opening in August at the Studio. So, how many words rhyme with scumbag? Jerry "two trannies and a bisexual dwarf" Springer is far too trashy for a mere musical - he scored the ultimate in low-rent by getting his own opera.

Pail Keating is our previous Prime Minister.
Read David defending the concept of violence.
Michael Stevens said:
Plato said:
Scum. First Definition.

"A filmy layer of extraneous or impure matter that forms on or rises to
the surface of a liquid or body of water."

Thanks for clearing this up, XP users are far better informed with this
critical information, and we are now back on topic.
Keep impure water out of your XP computer so scum [American Scum] does not
grow and cause no boot situations.
Sorry David, we cannot fix the Australian Scum strain. :cool:
Michael Stevens MS-MVP XP
(e-mail address removed)
For a better newsgroup experience. Setup a newsreader.

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