newby - firewall help, please

  • Thread starter Ralph Gottschalg
  • Start date

Ralph Gottschalg


I am using a laptop, which I want to synchronise with my desktop. I run
WinXP pro + XP firewall and direct connect (via LAN cable) to a WinXP home +
Zonealarm firewall. Two questions

When I synchronise files I can only do it so that the laptop accesses the
desktop but not vice versa. It does work when the firewall is switched off.
If the firewall is switch on, I get the message that I don't have the rights
on that PC. Any idea how to configure the XP firewall so that this works?

Secondly, I am trying to configure the remote desktop. I can identify the
computer by its name when the firewall is switched off, but not when the
firewall is switched on. Using IPconfig, getting the IP address and using
this works, though. Just a bit inconvenient if you have automatically
assigned IP addresses.

Can anybody enlighten me, please?


David Beder [MSFT]

you'll want to open the following ports for file/print. unfortunately I
don't know exactly which port is specifically needed for your setup, so you
can use some trial to narrow it down.
TCP 139, TCP 445, UDP 137, UDP 138

Remote desktop currently uses TCP 3389.

When adding the ports to the firewall you can use "localhost" for the
computer name and set the same port for external and internal use.

Ralph Gottschalg


worked a treat!


David Beder said:
you'll want to open the following ports for file/print. unfortunately I
don't know exactly which port is specifically needed for your setup, so you
can use some trial to narrow it down.
TCP 139, TCP 445, UDP 137, UDP 138

Remote desktop currently uses TCP 3389.

When adding the ports to the firewall you can use "localhost" for the
computer name and set the same port for external and internal use.

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