New IE 6 Windows


Please Help Me

New ie windows cant connect to the Internet. When I open a
new ie window (from my desktop, task bar or
start/programs) instead of showing the page the window is
suppost to show ( like the desktop) it showes me:

The page cannot be displayed
The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The
Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties, or
you may need to adjust your browser settings.

message. When a new ie window has to open because i
clicked on a link link the same problem is present as
well. For example when I click on check my e-mail link on
my MSN messenger, itbv opens a new ie window but instead
of displaying my inbox it gives me that same message as
from above.

The problem resolves on that ie window after I click
refresh button but once I open a another ie window that
happens again on that other window.

I have a cable connection so I'm always connected. so far
I have tried to renew my ip, delete cookies, files and
history.( in tools, options) I have also tried to
reset web settings and advanced settings)

I always patch up with all critical windows updates, scan
for viruses, spywear and run a firewall(which does not
affect this)

Does any one have a solution? if so Please, please reply
with a solution to eradicate this problem. if you dont
have a soulution then can u enlighten me on how to
reinstall ie6 compleatly
Thank you every one who will replied


I had similar problems with my Satellite internet
connection. What helped me was to change the settings
for my network adapter using Dr. TCP and the settings
recommended by the Satellite forum at
Perhaps there are similar settings for cable modems there

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