Need help removing all traces of an uninstalled Iomega Zip drive


Antonio Rodriguez

Need a little help here.

I used to have a Iomega 100 Zip drive on my PC in order to exchange data
between university PC's and the one I have at home. However I decided to get
a second HD which I needed quite badly and to replace the Zip disks with
some USB flash memory devices (like the pen drives). However I'm getting all
sorts of problems using them. The system may recognize them for a minute or
two and then it won't anymore. It hangs any windows I have open where I've
been dealing with it (either Explorer, the Device manager, a properties
page, etc). If I remove the drive everything works perfectly again.

Now, the drive is fine. It works without problems in Safe Mode, but I need
it working under a standard startup. I believe the reason for the problem is
that old Zip drive I used to have. Within safe mode, the drive is simply a
"Removable Drive". Within my user account (owner), it displays the icon that
Windows uses when a file has no association and it says Zip 100.

To try to remedy this I uninstalled the Iomega Active Disk program. I then
went into the registry and removed all the Iomega entries. I also manually
deleted some files that remained in the hard disk after having uninstalled
the Iomega tools. Even though I've done all this, the Control Panel still
has a category for Iomega that has nothing in it when I click on it. Just
opens up a window with some buttons and options but they're all blank. The
USB drive remains being recognized as a Zip 100 as well.

The Event Viewer displays this under Removable Storage Service:

RSM cannot manage library PhysicalDrive2. The database is

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

Going to that link doesn't give me any help though. Any help with this
situation would be very appreciated!

Antonio Rodríguez
Graphic Designer

"Some people are so afraid to die that they never begin to live."
--- Henry Van Dyke


what about reinstalling the software then uninstalling again. There might be
something 'left over' that you haven't been able to pick up. Or - remote
chance - is there something in the BIOS that is pointing to the zip drive?


I'll cross mine too - good luck :)

Antonio Rodriguez said:
Reinstalling the software? The Iomegaware package? I haven't tried -that-.
Guess it may be worth a shot; here goes setting a recovery point heh. Btw
there's nothing in the BIOS pointing to it; I made sure of that. Thanks for
the suggestion! Crossing fingers that it helps.


Antonio Rodriguez

Yup. It isn't. Set it to show hidden devices just in case, but no mention of
the Zip drive anywhere...


sorry it didn't work. Last ditch - search Google & see what you can get
there. Had a quick look myself on "uninstall Iomega 100" There are some
postings you could get lucky on

Antonio Rodriguez

Reinstalling the software? The Iomegaware package? I haven't tried -that-.
Guess it may be worth a shot; here goes setting a recovery point heh. Btw
there's nothing in the BIOS pointing to it; I made sure of that. Thanks for
the suggestion! Crossing fingers that it helps.

Antonio Rodriguez

Alas it didn't work :/. Gah I don't want to reinstall XP just because of

Antonio Rodriguez

Doing that. Many thanks for all your help Krooz! I'll hopefully run into
something :)

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