need help please, accidently messed up domain/workgroup



I have a work computer running windows 2000 pro, the user name I log in as is defined to a certain domain. Last night I was trying to get my work computer to communicate with my new wireless home network. I right-clicked on the 'my computer' Iccon and went to properties then clicked 'network identification' tab. Here it showed my cpu name and domain. I then was curious(Oops) and clicked Network Id button in this wizard I clicked next and came to a question-"Select the option that best describes your computer", I selected off the "cpu is part of a business network..." and selected "this computer is for home use and is not part of a business network." The computer paused for 2-3 mins, I did not feel good about where this was going and once I got control back I clicked close thinking the changes would not take be applied, but now on the 'network identification' tab I had my cpu name and a Workgroup defined Workgroup? I tried to go back in and set up as a business computer but since I am offline it could not see the domain name I was trying to define. I later had to reboot, (gulp) and when I got to the log in page my User Name and password would not work, plus now there is no domain drop down to choose from. I tried all combinations of defaut passwords I could think of, ie Administrator with blank Admin.... No luck. How can I get back on my computer to fix this problem???? I am stuck in a very uncomfortable situation here.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, and thank you in advance...


Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]

Take your computer back to work and ask the admins to re-join you to the
domain. You didn't need to change from domain to workgroup to access your
home network. :)


thanks, I figured that out! I appreciate the post, I was hoping for a solution so I could get some work done tonight..

Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]

Alas, it was not to be. You must go grovel in front of your sysadmin
tomorrow. I suggest bringing in some muffins and coffee. ;-)

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