Need a 3rd party to monitor a web site



Hey all. I'm not sure where to go with this post. I have a website that
needs to be monitored externally, not internally. We want to get a feel for
the response time (and more specifically up time) that our users are seeing.
Our current hosting company has been having a LOT of issues with our
environment, and we've had an unbelievable amount of down time. I know there
are services that monitor websites, but I am having a tough time locating
them. Every service I have found so far is a service that gets installed on
your server, but we really want it to be an external third party so that we
can more accurately find out what the users are seeing. We would also like
the ability to be paged if the response time falls outside of a parameter
that we define. Anybody have any suggestions?

I've done google searches on 'website monitoring' 'website response time'
etc, etc, but everything I find is for internal products.

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