NAV vs. McAfee


Jack Gillis

I just had an awful experience getting my NAV subscriptions renewed on
two of my machines -- one I don't want to go through again on the third
machine and at next year's renewals time. I wonder if someone would
mind giving me a comparison between NAV and McAfee as far as their
protection capabilities, frequency of updates and ability to communicate
with tech support and/or customer service?

I know if I waited a day to two to cool off I might not be asking this
question but it is on my mind this morning.

Thank you for your indulgence.


I don't know about NAV but I do use McAfee Privacy Service/Viruscan and
Firewall Plus and their protection is great and pretty comprehensive and, I
would say, comparable with any other major competitor. Updates come in
regularly, often daily. Support can had through free online chat with a
Technical Service Representative or paid phone support or through McAfee
Help Forums

Jack Gillis

Thank you very much, Peter. That is encouraging.
Peter said:
I don't know about NAV but I do use McAfee Privacy Service/Viruscan and
Firewall Plus and their protection is great and pretty comprehensive
and, I would say, comparable with any other major competitor. Updates
come in regularly, often daily. Support can had through free online
chat with a Technical Service Representative or paid phone support or
through McAfee Help Forums

Toronto, Canada
XP Home SP2
P4 dual HT @ 3.0ghz, 1.0gb RAM, 160gb HD


You are welcome! You'll get people crowing about
TrendMicro/Norton/ZoneAlarm/AVG etc. but I haven't found any serious
problems with McAfee. Minor glitches here and there, all fixed.


i'm old AND dense...what do you mean by crowing?
is it a compliment? or a putdown?


Crowing..? Extolling the virtues of, or saying one is better than the
other etc. etc.


Ok, i get it. I can tell we're from different sides of the continent. (Texas
here) I'm
from the cowtown. You're uptown. Down here crowing is the polite way to
describe "that" persistently, annoying, loud and shrill-pitched, irritating,
nagging tone of voice folks often have (usually female)... Rambling to
themselves.... Or whoever can't escape them !!
I was just wondering because i need to update my virus protection but can't
decide what to choose. Norton Antivirus 2002 came with my machine...but some
reason (nothing i can put my finger on) I just don't like it's looks or the
scant support
information it provides... Their firewall came with it....that's probably
where my
general attitude comes from... it confused me. Too many interactive questions.
Mcafee online scanning was strange. No viruses found. But claims my oem
file is a hi-jacker...(off of a write-protected instillation cd -- go
figure) I have their
Virusheild with Windows 98....way back when?
I don't want a resource hog. Just an effective, efficient program.
I haven't have a virus scanner on my xphome -- in over 2 years. I've been
I've been hijacked. I've been tracked. Heavily. Repeatedly. But oddly
enough...Norton, McAfee, and Trendmicro (online scans) have reported no
viruses the few times I've checked out...
I'm having a hard time believing any of the results from those three....
Thanks for your thoughts...and Listening to mine. Got any more? (thoughts)



I would download Hi-Jack This and follow the instructions on how to post the
results where someone can help you.
Also use Adaware SE (Lavasoft), CWShredder (Intermute), Spybot Search and
Destroy and SpywareBlaster - all free and good protection. McAfee also have
a great tool - "Stinger", again free.
I recommend that you go for a package with McAfee including Firewall Plus
and Viruscan. They also have Privacy Service if you want to restrict other
users web access, kids for instance.
Norton gets a lot of criticism in the media and forums. Never used it so am
neutral there.

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