MY PC said "Please wait..................." for a long time


M Skabialka

My computer booted very slowly this morning, then a lighter blue window
popped up with dark blue bars top and bottom. A message said "Please

After several minutes it booted to a logon screnn.

What was it doing at the please wait....... stage?
Is my (5 yr old) computer ready to die?


Will Denny


With a 5yr old PC, the specs for XP may not be enough. Could you please
post the specs of your PC here - you may be looking at a new PC for XP to
run properly if your current configuration doesn't allow enough

M Skabialka

Dell Pentium III, 930 MHz, 512 MB RAM, 20 GB HDD, 15% free...
It's been running XP for over two years. The last thing I added was Visual
Studio 2003.

Was this the last straw?


Did it only do it that one time, or does it do it every time you put the
computer on now?


Uninstall it for a start & see what happens then. I'm not familiar with that
program, so don't know the physical size installed.
Otherwise, your system has plenty of grunt to run XP.
It wouldn't do any harm to dowload "SequoiaView" to give you a visual view
of which programs are using all the space -

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