My Dox on Startup



Thanks for taking a moment to review this.

My Documents appears, full screen, at the end of my cmputer's start up.
Oddest thing. I tried msconfig, I did not see it in the startup listing
there. I poked around in taskbar properties and saw no solution there. I
looked at start>all programs.startup, not listed there.
Where do I go to turn off this annoying 'feature'?
I have run the updated version of Spyware Doctor, Spy Sweeeper, and NAV ..
found nothing in either, so I do not think this is spy or virus related.
Thank you so very much.

Don in Tucson

Radenko Zec

Hello AizAizA,
try to clean up your registry and suspisios programs in startup.
Clean all junk and temporary files from disk and then restart your computer.
I hop this will help.


AizAizA said:
Thanks for taking a moment to review this.

My Documents appears, full screen, at the end of my cmputer's start
up. Oddest thing. I tried msconfig, I did not see it in the startup
listing there. I poked around in taskbar properties and saw no
solution there. I looked at start>all programs.startup, not listed
Where do I go to turn off this annoying 'feature'?
I have run the updated version of Spyware Doctor, Spy Sweeeper, and
NAV .. found nothing in either, so I do not think this is spy or
virus related. Thank you so very much.

Don in Tucson

Hi Don,
There is a regisrty edit on line 255 right hand side that should correct
this at the link below.

Save the download then run it. Or if you perfer to edit the registry
(From The automated script does the same thing.

My Documents Folder - Opens Upon Boot

To Stop Windows Explorer from opening My Documents: Check your settings
here: Start/Run/Regedit

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

In the right pane under Userinit - Change the key that reads:


And also here: Start/Run/Regedit


HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows. In
the right pane, check your settings under Load.

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