Music Class



I am currently taking a music history course as part of my college credit
requirements. However, the music history book that was given to me doesn't
really explain certain features of music, I guess they assume that I should
already know. For example, They talk about the difference between the major
and minor scales as being the placement of the half notes. What is a half
note? If someone could explain the concept of major and minor scales to me I
would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!



You must have been using a computer to write this post. Hows about
trying a Google search for "half notes" and "major and minor scales"
for a starter? Use a little initiative, motivate yourself if you EVER want
to graduate with a college degree you want to be proud of and that YOU
have earned it. Otherwise you can pay a fellow student to do the research
for you. "Wake up and smell the roses."

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