Multi-boot same version of Windows XP?



Here's a question. Is it possible to have 2 separate
installs of the same version of Windows XP on the same
Here's what I want to do.
I bought a SATA hard drive, and obviously Windows ME will
not recognize it. I have 2 hard drives. The SATA is Drive
2, and have an ATA as Drive 1.
On drive 1, I installed WinME on a C: partition. Then I
installed a 'New' Windows XP upgrade on Drive 1 Partition

All is OK so far. The system dual boots and I can work in
either operating system.

But I was thinking. Would it be possible to now do
the 'recommended' upgrade to WinME on the C: drive and
have WinXP installed on both C: and D: drives?

Has anyone out there successfully accomplished this?

The reason I dual boot my system is that I'm a gamer and I
use WinME for browsing, virus protection etc, and WinXP
strictly for gaming.

The only loss is detection of the SATA drive in WinME.

It's not a biggy, but I was just curious if it was
possible to do.


Carey Frisch [MVP]

Since the End-User License Agreement for Windows XP specifically
states you can install just one copy of Windows XP on one computer,
you'll need to purchase a new license (Product Key) for the second
installation. Once you purchase a new Product Key, you may install
Windows XP on a second partition and it will automatically create
a dual-boot startup menu.

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User

Be Smart! Protect your PC!


| Here's a question. Is it possible to have 2 separate
| installs of the same version of Windows XP on the same
| computer?
| Here's what I want to do.
| I bought a SATA hard drive, and obviously Windows ME will
| not recognize it. I have 2 hard drives. The SATA is Drive
| 2, and have an ATA as Drive 1.
| On drive 1, I installed WinME on a C: partition. Then I
| installed a 'New' Windows XP upgrade on Drive 1 Partition
| D:
| All is OK so far. The system dual boots and I can work in
| either operating system.
| But I was thinking. Would it be possible to now do
| the 'recommended' upgrade to WinME on the C: drive and
| have WinXP installed on both C: and D: drives?
| Has anyone out there successfully accomplished this?
| The reason I dual boot my system is that I'm a gamer and I
| use WinME for browsing, virus protection etc, and WinXP
| strictly for gaming.
| The only loss is detection of the SATA drive in WinME.
| It's not a biggy, but I was just curious if it was
| possible to do.
| Thanks.


Thank you for your swift reply.

If it's the same computer, (i.e. BIOS, hardware etc.), I
thought that if the hardware is not changed, then it
should not be a problem.

Actually I already have two licenses of XP, but one is
installed on my old computer. Wouldn't I have activation
problems if I take that license and install it on my
current system? Would I need to uninstall my other license
from my old computer to install it on my current system?

Anyway, As I said, it's no biggy, I was just hoping to
reap the benefit of using the power of XP for both


Carey Frisch [MVP]

You cannot use the same license on two different computers.
Once you remove Windows XP from one computer, you may
install it on another and activate it successfully. This assumes
it is a "retail version" and not an "OEM version".

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User

Be Smart! Protect your PC!


| Thank you for your swift reply.
| If it's the same computer, (i.e. BIOS, hardware etc.), I
| thought that if the hardware is not changed, then it
| should not be a problem.
| Actually I already have two licenses of XP, but one is
| installed on my old computer. Wouldn't I have activation
| problems if I take that license and install it on my
| current system? Would I need to uninstall my other license
| from my old computer to install it on my current system?
| Anyway, As I said, it's no biggy, I was just hoping to
| reap the benefit of using the power of XP for both
| applications.
| Thanks.
| >-----Original Message-----
| >Since the End-User License Agreement for Windows XP
| specifically
| >states you can install just one copy of Windows XP on one
| computer,
| >you'll need to purchase a new license (Product Key) for
| the second
| >installation. Once you purchase a new Product Key, you
| may install
| >Windows XP on a second partition and it will
| automatically create
| >a dual-boot startup menu.
| >
| >--
| >Carey Frisch
| >Microsoft MVP
| >Windows XP - Shell/User
| >
| >Be Smart! Protect your PC!
| >
| >
| >----------------------------------------------------------
| ------------------------
| >
| message:
| > | >
| >| Here's a question. Is it possible to have 2 separate
| >| installs of the same version of Windows XP on the same
| >| computer?
| >| Here's what I want to do.
| >| I bought a SATA hard drive, and obviously Windows ME
| will
| >| not recognize it. I have 2 hard drives. The SATA is
| Drive
| >| 2, and have an ATA as Drive 1.
| >| On drive 1, I installed WinME on a C: partition. Then I
| >| installed a 'New' Windows XP upgrade on Drive 1
| Partition
| >| D:
| >|
| >| All is OK so far. The system dual boots and I can work
| in
| >| either operating system.
| >|
| >| But I was thinking. Would it be possible to now do
| >| the 'recommended' upgrade to WinME on the C: drive and
| >| have WinXP installed on both C: and D: drives?
| >|
| >| Has anyone out there successfully accomplished this?
| >|
| >| The reason I dual boot my system is that I'm a gamer
| and I
| >| use WinME for browsing, virus protection etc, and WinXP
| >| strictly for gaming.
| >|
| >| The only loss is detection of the SATA drive in WinME.
| >|
| >| It's not a biggy, but I was just curious if it was
| >| possible to do.
| >|
| >| Thanks.
| >|
| >.
| >



I think I understand. What you are basically saying is
that I may install 2 licenses (mine are retail) on the
same computer, but not the same license on multiple. (thus
the point duh!)



Ok, let's think about this a second. There's the issue of whether you *can*
(physically) install XP twice on the same machine, vs. whether you should be
*allowed* to install XP twice on the same machine (the EULA argument).

As far *can*, it's trivial. Nothing stop anyone from *cloning* any current
XP partition to another partition, whether the same HD or another HD. And
frankly, since there's nothing in activation that checks based on
"partition", only the "machine" (hardware components primarily), I wouldn't
expect there to be an issue (not from an activation perspective). Heck, I
clone XP all the time (fine, send the MS activiation cops out after me!!!).
I often create a clone for backup purposes, then test out a new driver,
software, or even Windows Updates on the original, before committing to the
changes. If all proceeds normally, then I delete the clone. But nothing
would stop me from creating a second, third, fourth, or as many clones as I
want to new partitions (same machine) and booting each of them,
independently! I've done this for various reasons, to establish a gaming
setup, or provide an installation for another user, or do performance
testing, etc. It's nothing more than a cut-n-paste operation.

Now as far as the EULA, Carey may be right technically, maybe there is
something that says you can't have multiple instances of XP on the same
machine. And as an MVP, I understand this position. But frankly, this is
taking things to the extreme. The idea that I can't clone XP to a new
partition on the same machine takes things to the level of obsurdity. I'm
not a fan of activation, nor the now "illegal" practice of installing XP on,
say, a PC and laptop w/o *two* XP licenses, something *all* of us did in the
past. But the idea I can't even clone XP on the *same* machine, well...,
that my friend, is the theater of the absurd. Heck, that would make even a
"backup" copy of your XP installation illegal! What next, MS plan to scour
my CD/DVDs for illegal backup copies?! You can only *use* one copy of XP at
any given time anyway, so even if technically a violation of the EULA, it's
such an absurd argument/position, it would be laughed out of court. Let's
put it this way, the "spirit" of the EULA is not broken by the mere cloning
of XP on the same machine, not as long as only one copy can be used at any
given time.

So as a non-lawyer, non-MVP, speaking user-to-user, there's no problem
simply cloning XP to another partition, not functionally, not even morally
(IMO). EULA wise? I'll let Carey speak for the EULA.



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