mslogon.exe sucking up 80% CPU?



HI all,

In the past few days, my machine started bogging down horribly. I
haven't changed/installed/removed anything. Just normal daily use.

Last night, I finally noticed that mslogon was sucking up all my CPU
time. I hadn't ever noticed this happen before, and was wondering if
anyone here could shed any light on this, and what may be causing it.

Is it one of those things that isn't worth trying to fix? Should I just
whip out my XP disc and reinstall when I get home from work tonite? I
have all my data safely on an external drive, and I've grown quite
adept at reinstalling and installing my apps, so no big deal on my

TIA for any help,
Martin O'B


HI all,

In the past few days, my machine started bogging down horribly. I
haven't changed/installed/removed anything. Just normal daily use.

Last night, I finally noticed that mslogon was sucking up all my CPU
time. I hadn't ever noticed this happen before, and was wondering if
anyone here could shed any light on this, and what may be causing it.

Is it one of those things that isn't worth trying to fix? Should I just
whip out my XP disc and reinstall when I get home from work tonite? I
have all my data safely on an external drive, and I've grown quite
adept at reinstalling and installing my apps, so no big deal on my

TIA for any help,
Martin O'B

mslogin.exe is malware. See some of the links in this google search
which should have been your first step in troubleshooting this issue.

You need to clean the system and keep it clean. See these links for
help on how to do that.

Finding, Removing & Protecting Yourself From Scumware

Richard Harper’s Guide to Cleaning Pests



Thanks for the quick response.

You mention mslogin.exe, but I'm talking about mslogon.exe. Is
mslogon.exe a legit Windows file?

I was actually a bit surprised to have this problem, and see on a
google search that this file may be malware. After 12 years online,
this would be the first time something bad actually got on one of my
machines! I've even taught my wife how to surf safely! At this point,
since I really don't see what I may have done over the weekend to get a
bug onto my system, I think I'm just gonna wipe it clean tonite.
(Unless I find a cure-all before 6PM) :)

Martin O'B


I just wanted to thank those who replied. Since my machine was getting
a bit 'tired', I just ran through reinstalling quickly last night.

With a custom slipstream disc (Thanks Nlite!), and a loaded external
backup, I was up & running again in no time.

Just wish I knew how I got infected. I'm normally a VERY safe surfer!

-Martin O'B

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