MS Access 2000 runtime




I've installed an Application with Access Database in a PC with Office-2003
Basic version (MS-Access is not included). Whenever I start the application
it start requesting to install MS access 2000 runtime, how can I get the
MS-Access 2000 runtime?.

It's necessary to purchased MS-Access or can be downloaded for free.

Ricky Lie



The runtime was available buy purchasing MS Office 2000 Developer, unless
you can source a cheap copy you may be better off buying access standalone
or upgrade for your office 2003 basic (cannot remember if this is a valid
upgrade path though)

This assumes that the app will run on 2003 properly.



Thank you for your response, just another question of me as I mentioned that
at the application start it requests me to install runtime but if I cancel
the runtime installation process I can continue working with the application
what did I miss in installation process or any work out to skip the
access-runtime searching at the application startup.

I thank you for all advises in advance,

Best regards
Ricky Lie

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