Moving files with wildcard, keeping same subdirectory structure...


Bruce Johnson

I would like to MOVE files using wildcards (*.DOC or *.XLS) to a different
subdirectory or drive. Is there a easy way of doing this?
I have in the past I piped the directory, and then written batch files to
md, copy, and then delete the files, but this is a pain, and sometimes has
problems with hidden/system files. MOVE does not work across subdirectories,
and then copy and paste in the windows gui interface won't keep the
structure intact, just places everything into one directoy....

I have used WINZIP in the past and this seems the best bet, but it requires
the creation of the zip file, MOVING the files to the zip and then
extracting to the new location. Very slow and HD intense. Not able to be
done in a low space situation at all.

Are there any utilities, if windows can't do this, that will allowm me to do
this? This to me is a major oversite... I have been playing with windows
since 1.1 (yes ONE dotONE!!) And still have nevver found a solution to this.
Always dropped down to DOS (or now CMD) and done it at that level.

Am I just not aware of something as simple as this?


Star Fleet Admiral Q

Hmm - yes the utility could be writing a "cmd" or "script" file - either one
will work.
It is no oversight, as you put it, as a normal home user would not be
routinely doing as you state, and a network administrator in a business
environment is knowledgeable of how to write the appropriate "cmd" and/or
"script" file to accomplish the task at hand.
If indeed you are a home user with this need, then research the web, tons of
hits in Google will show you how to write a "cmd", "jscript" or "vbscript"
to accomplish this task.


Star Fleet Admiral Q @ your Service!
Google is your "Friend"

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