moving a windows xp HD to another computer



I installed windows XP Pro on my PIII 800 and my son gave
me his P4 1.2Ghz and I tried to install the HD from the
PIII to the P4 and I get a blue error screen when I try
to boot up which reads:

A problem has been detected and windows has been shut
down to prevent damage.
If this is first time for this error screen check for
virus or chk HD to make sure it's properly configured,
terminated. Run chkdsk then restart

Tech information:

When I put the HD back into the PIII it works fine.
Please can someone advise. Thanks

David Quigley

It would appear that the drivers used for your P3 are not
the same as those required to run WinXP on your new P4. So
anyways, First I would try to start Windows by booting
into safe mode(This is when the hard drive is in the P4).
To boot into safe mode press F8 as soon as you see the
Windows logo come up (If that doesn't work, try hitting it
several times before you reach the screen and after as
well). The other option which I would suggest is to place
the hard drive back into the P3 copy any important files
off onto a cd (Do you have a CD burner?). The other option
is if the files are small enough, and you don't have that
many you could copy them onto a floppy (They would have to
be very few, and very small(1.4m)) Once you have copied
all needed files off, just reformat the hard drive (You
know how to do that right? If you don't you may need to
get help from some one else who is local and can help you
learn the basics). Either before or after reformating the
hard drive install the hard drive back into the P4.
Install Windows XP with the hard drive in the P4, and
install the necessary drivers, and software. If you need
more help please feel free to email me and I will try to
give more detail.

(Warnging I take no responsibilty for any actions you or
anyone else takes after reading this post which is only a
suggestion of what I might do. I do not guarentee it will
work. Follow these directions at your own risk)

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