Moving a screensaver from W98 to XP




I have a favorite screen saver on my W98 machine.
(leaking roof "leak.scr")
How can I "place" it on a a XP machine?

I saw numerous Internet articles claiming
that all I have to do is to copy this file
into c:\windows\system32.
I tried on two XP machines - it does not happened.

Any advise?

Don Phillipson

I have a favorite screen saver on my W98 machine.
(leaking roof "leak.scr")
How can I "place" it on a a XP machine?

I saw numerous Internet articles claiming
that all I have to do is to copy this file
into c:\windows\system32.
I tried on two XP machines - it does not happened.

Any advise?

If a Win98 SCR will run under WinXP (I do not know)
all you need do is browse to its correct filepath. If
you do that and the file is not listed in the Desktop
Screen Saver window it will probaby not run under WinXP.

Don Phillipson
Carlsbad Springs
(Ottawa, Canada)


uzidengineer said:

I have a favorite screen saver on my W98 machine.
(leaking roof "leak.scr")
How can I "place" it on a a XP machine?

I saw numerous Internet articles claiming
that all I have to do is to copy this file
into c:\windows\system32.
I tried on two XP machines - it does not happened.

Any advise?

I found this:

Leak.scr, or to give it its full name, Leaking Roof was written in the mid
1990's, originally for Windows 3.1 and it ran happily on Windows 95 through
to 98ME but it is a 16-bit application and 32-bit Windows XP doesn't like
it, but iyou should be able to get it to work if you save the file in
C:\windows\system 32. On the Screensaver Control Panel select None then
click the Settings button and Leak should be listed and you can configure
the number of droplets.

HTH, but it may never work.

Shenan Stanley

uzidengineer said:
I have a favorite screen saver on my W98 machine.
(leaking roof "leak.scr")
How can I "place" it on a a XP machine?

I saw numerous Internet articles claiming
that all I have to do is to copy this file
into c:\windows\system32.
I tried on two XP machines - it does not happened.

If that doesn't work and there is no updated version - then you are likey
out of luck.


uzidengineer said:

I have a favorite screen saver on my W98 machine.
(leaking roof "leak.scr")
How can I "place" it on a a XP machine?

I saw numerous Internet articles claiming
that all I have to do is to copy this file
into c:\windows\system32.
I tried on two XP machines - it does not happened.

Any advise?
I solved this to a limited extent. It will indeed install on XP if you
install it from a FAT32 disk. I have such an external drive, and all I do is
right click on the leak.scr and choose "install". It then installs OK onto my
hard drive which is formatted NTFS.
It then remains visible in the "Display Properties" screensave list. It does
not install from the NTFS formatted hard drive, only from the external FAT32
drive. However, once a new screensaver is later chosen for the list then the
"leak" one disappears and to get it back onto the list the above process is
So I fix the settings whilst it is there, then copy the leak.scr from the
external drive to the hard drive and set up a desktop shortcut directly to it.
This way, if the "leak.scr" disappears from the "Display Properties" list
the screensaver can be called up just by clicking the shortcut.
So in a nutshell, the settings can only be changed when it is first
installed from a FAT32 disk, and once it disappears from the list then simply
use the desktop shortcut when you want it to show.
Finally, if you don't wish to alter the settings at all, simply copy the
"leak.scr" to your hard disk anyway and set up a desktop shortcut to it. It
certainly wont "kick in" once it has disappeared from the list.
But it definitely works properly whilst it is in the list, and always works
from the shortcut in any case.


tumasek said:
I solved this to a limited extent. It will indeed install on XP if you
install it from a FAT32 disk. I have such an external drive, and all I do is
right click on the leak.scr and choose "install". It then installs OK onto my
hard drive which is formatted NTFS.
It then remains visible in the "Display Properties" screensave list. It does
not install from the NTFS formatted hard drive, only from the external FAT32
drive. However, once a new screensaver is later chosen for the list then the
"leak" one disappears and to get it back onto the list the above process is
So I fix the settings whilst it is there, then copy the leak.scr from the
external drive to the hard drive and set up a desktop shortcut directly to it.
This way, if the "leak.scr" disappears from the "Display Properties" list
the screensaver can be called up just by clicking the shortcut.
So in a nutshell, the settings can only be changed when it is first
installed from a FAT32 disk, and once it disappears from the list then simply
use the desktop shortcut when you want it to show.
Finally, if you don't wish to alter the settings at all, simply copy the
"leak.scr" to your hard disk anyway and set up a desktop shortcut to it. It
certainly wont "kick in" once it has disappeared from the list.
But it definitely works properly whilst it is in the list, and always works
from the shortcut in any case.

Further to my comments above, for XP there is also another way :

1. Copy leak.scr to C:\Windows
2. Copy leak.scr to a floppy drive (A:\) (or external HD)
3. Open Windows Explorer and Right click on the leak.scr on the floppy
drive (or external HD) and click on “Installâ€
4. This will install the leak.scr in the normal Windows Screensavers list.
5. Amend any settings you wish the usual way, then remove the floppy disk.
6. A small Registry edit is now needed, so click on “Startâ€, then “Run†and

type in “Regedit†– no quotes, and click on OK
7. Navigate to : HKey_Current_User\Control Panel\Desktop and in the
RIGHT pane highlight the item SCRNSAVE.EXE
8. RIGHT click on this entry and choose “Modifyâ€
9. In the box that appears, type “C:\WINDOWS\leak.scr†– no quotes
10. Click “OK†and exit the Registry.

The item leak.scr is no longer in the Screensavers list, which should now
show “noneâ€. However, the leak.scr will now work all the time until you
choose another screensaver. If you do this and wish to revert to leak.scr
you will have to redo the instructions from #6 above.

A bit of a hassle I know, but it DOES WORK in making leak.scr your default.


JamieH said:
I remembr this great screensaver from aout a decade ago.
Can anyone possible help me to acquire leak.scr?

If you can get your e-mail address to me I'll send you a copy.

Ken Blake, MVP

If you can get your e-mail address to me I'll send you a copy.

Jamie, a very strong warning:

It's a very dangerous thing to accept any software from a stranger
here in a newsgroup. If you accept software from a stranger, you
seriously expose yourself to the possibility that he is sending you

Not to accuse tumasek of anything; it's equally dangerous to accept
e-mailed software from anyone here, even from me.

And since tumasek didn't post his e-mail address, you'd have to post
yours here in the newsgroup for him to get it. That exposes your
e-mail address to spammers who harvest them from places like this.

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