Movie Files in a slide show



I have a large PowerPoint that is run as a slide show and it has two movies
in it. Both movies have a slide immediately preceding them that is a logo
for the movie which follows. When I'm in slide show mode and I reach the
logo slide for the first movie, the slide show kicks me out of silde show
mode and back to the PowerPoint. It gives me a window to "resume slide show"
and when I click that it goes back to the slide show. The second movie does
not have this issue (and it is larger than the first movie). I need this
slide show to run smoothly because the person operating it is not very
computer friendly and just needs it to work without issue. I've not found
anyone who has any idea why this is happening, so if anyone here has
thoughts, I'd really appreciate it!

Troy @ TLC Creative

What version of PPT?
What format are the movies?
How large are the movie files?
Do the movies reside in the same folder as the presentation? - Are the
movies located on a network drive?

With your additional information I can make a few suggestions that should

Best Regards,
Troy Chollar
TLC Creative Services, Inc.
troy at tlccreative dot com
A Microsoft PowerPoint MVP

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