More rights



Hi, i'm new to vista and my first reaction is GREAT!
now, i'm a developer but i cant work well because i have so much limited
rights, for example: creating an application in VC++.NET and i cant even
debug it because i cant start it. Next to that, i cant unpack files to my
primairy disk ( OS partition ) because i have insufficiant rights and yet im
an administrator. How can i disable this protection? thanks already!

- Koen


-Polity`4h- said:
Hi, i'm new to vista and my first reaction is GREAT!
now, i'm a developer but i cant work well because i have so much limited
rights, for example: creating an application in VC++.NET and i cant even
debug it because i cant start it. Next to that, i cant unpack files to my
primairy disk ( OS partition ) because i have insufficiant rights and yet
an administrator. How can i disable this protection? thanks already!

- Koen

Can't speak to the VC++ thing. The way I got around the unpacking thing was
to move the rar from the network to the local drive. It will let me unpack
from there.

Others far wiser than me probably have more elegant solutions.


Jimmy Brush


In Windows Vista, even though you are an administrator, the programs that
you run operate as if they were started by a standard user.

Only applications that request admin permission from you ("Windows needs
your permission to continue") are allowed to use your admin permission.

Thus, when you want to perform an administrative action using a program that
does not prompt, you should right-click on that program, and click Run As
Administrator - this will give it the permission it needs.

As for your programming woes, make sure your username is explicitly granted
modify or better permissions in the security tab of your projects folder, if
you are not using the default projects folder inside of your user profile.

- JB
Microsoft MVP - Windows Shell/User

Windows Vista Support Faq

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