Misspelled Registry Entry - Can't boot into Normal Mode



OK, I did something really dumb. I changed the registry without first
backing it up. I changed it and misspelled something at that. Now I
can only boot into safe mode. I can get in regedit but now I can't
find the changes I made. I went into the event viewer and it now
throwing an error with Event ID 1517. I cannot find out how to fix it
on the internet. So I came here. Can anyone help me?

I don't want to do a system restore if I do not have to.

I have Windows XP Pro.


Curt Christianson

I'll help the best I can , but I need the *full* text of the error message.
That includes the Event Source, Message Text,and any file name mentioned.


Windows Support Center
Practically Nerded,...

| OK, I did something really dumb. I changed the registry without first
| backing it up. I changed it and misspelled something at that. Now I
| can only boot into safe mode. I can get in regedit but now I can't
| find the changes I made. I went into the event viewer and it now
| throwing an error with Event ID 1517. I cannot find out how to fix it
| on the internet. So I came here. Can anyone help me?
| I don't want to do a system restore if I do not have to.
| I have Windows XP Pro.
| Thanks


OK, I did something really dumb. I changed the registry without first
backing it up. I changed it and misspelled something at that. Now I
can only boot into safe mode. I can get in regedit but now I can't
find the changes I made. I went into the event viewer and it now
throwing an error with Event ID 1517. I cannot find out how to fix it
on the internet. So I came here. Can anyone help me?

I don't want to do a system restore if I do not have to.

I have Windows XP Pro.


System restore will be the easiest way ; unless it`s imperative you
don`t .

Ken Blake, MVP

OK, I did something really dumb. I changed the registry without first
backing it up. I changed it and misspelled something at that. Now I
can only boot into safe mode. I can get in regedit but now I can't
find the changes I made. I went into the event viewer and it now
throwing an error with Event ID 1517. I cannot find out how to fix it
on the internet. So I came here. Can anyone help me?

I don't want to do a system restore if I do not have to.

Why not? It's probably the easiest and least traumatic way of solving
your problem.

Just in case you are confusing a System Restore with a Windows
reinstallation, they are two very different things.

Bill Sharpe

BillGatesFan said:
OK, I did something really dumb. I changed the registry without first
backing it up. I changed it and misspelled something at that. Now I
can only boot into safe mode. I can get in regedit but now I can't
find the changes I made. I went into the event viewer and it now
throwing an error with Event ID 1517. I cannot find out how to fix it
on the internet. So I came here. Can anyone help me?

I don't want to do a system restore if I do not have to.

I have Windows XP Pro.

Another vote for system restore. Much easier and also safer than trying
to change the registry entry, especially if you can't find the change.

And if system restore gives you other problems you can always undo it.


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