Missing or corrupt cursor files



When I try to customize my cursor, I now get error messages:
The C:\Windows\Cursors\rainbow.ani file, which contains the 'Normal Select'
cursor, is either missing or corrupt. I get it for all of the following files:
I did have problems earlier and had to reboot several times and reinstall
some things and then this happened. I tried to reinstall them with the
Windows XP CD, but I get an error message from that saying that it can't find
those files needed.
How do I fix this problem. I use windows xp home edition


If you have another computer with MS XP Home, you could copy those files from
the computer, put them on some kind of portable device (or shared network
folder) and overwriter the existing files with these working files.


Hello doolittell; hope this helps. SYSTEM RESTORE
Every time you download or install a new game, application, or software
update, you make changes to your computer. Sometimes that change may
make your system unstable. Have you ever wanted to go back to the way
it was? With System Restore, you can.
System Restore works a lot like the Undo command in Microsoft Word. You
can use System Restore to remove any system changes that were made
since the last time you remember your computer working correctly.
System Restore does not affect your personal data files (such as
Microsoft Word documents, browsing history, drawings, favorites, or
eâ€"mail) so you won't lose changes made to these files. Please
read Use

System Restore to Undo Changes if Problems Occur

for more info on How to Customize the Windows Explorer Views in Windows

RBS "Quick Fixes for Windows XP"

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