Microsoft wallpaper changer creates hundreds of empty subfolders


Maureen Goldman

I've uninstalled the wallpaper changer now because I hadn't gotten
around to using it other than taking a look at it and configuring it
not to do anything automatically. The subfolders all had dates like
Apr_22 and AFAIK they were all empty.

Isn't it supposed to be undesirable to have more than a certain number
of folders on a computer, or do subfolders not count? There had to
have been at least 300, only a few inside the month that I've had the

The utility is powertoys_wpchanger.exe, which can also be found as
part of a larger recent powertoys download. Its Help menu indicates
some options that didn't actually seem present, and I didn't see
anywhere that the subject of the folders was addressed.

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