Microsoft Update preempts Home Page



I allowed the new Microsoft Updater to install itself. I became
disenchanted when the Updater came up every time I started IE6 (preempting
my Home Page) even though I had already installed the recommended updates.
I uninstalled the Updater.

Now the invitation to install the Updater preempts my Home Page whenever I
start IE6. I have to click on Home Page to get to that site.

The problem seems to be the HKCU>Software>Microsoft>Internet
Explorer>Main>First Home Page key which points to the Microsoft Updater

But deleting the key does no good or, I guess, it is not possible to delete
the key. If I "delete" and then close RegEdit and then reopen RegEdit (no
rebooting involved) the Key is back!

I hope someone knows the Registry better than I and can tell me how to kill
the key.

__________________________________________________________________ Rudy
Hanau ICQ#: 13816052 Current ICQ status: + More ways to contact me

PA Bear

IE Tools > Internet Options > Advanced > Browsing > Automatically check for
IE updates (uncheck)


Thanks for the suggestion. However, I don't see any change in IE's

In the meantime I have made some progress.

My inability to delete a key is due to having Ad-Aware running. There is no
message indicating that Ad-Aware is blocking my registry changes but
unloading the program allows me to delete the offending key.

I deleted two keys:

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Advanced INF Setup\IE
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\InternetExplorer\Main\First Home Page

IE boots up directly to my Home Page as it should.

I still have a problem on reboot as the keys reappear. I think that
Ad-Aware is getting into the act again. That should not be much of a


The Ad-Aware problem is solved by unchecking "Automatic" option. In the
Automatic mode, so-called "protected keys" are automatically restored
without any message. If "Automatic" is unchecked an Ad-Aware window comes
up which allows choice between allowing or blocking this type of registry
change. Choose "Allow" and registry is permanently changed and IE runs

Charlie Tame

Rudy, I have all things automatic on most machines and did not have any
trouble so I wonder if AdAware blocked your attempts to set a proper home

Was AdAware running (I assume the paid for version) when you first installed
the auto updater?



I appreciate your comments but I'm really all set as I tried to indicate.

In sum the new Microsoft Updater (not the Windows Update) is set to preempt
the IE Home Page by inserting Registry keys which set up a "First Home Page"
to appear before the regular Home Page.

I've found and indicated which keys have to be deleted to get rid of this

My main problem was that Ad-Watch when run in the Automatic mode reinstates
"protected" registry keys when they are deleted without giving any notice.
When Ad-Ware is switched to Manual it notifies that a registry change is
being blocked and gives the user the option of overiding this action and
allowing the key deletion.

Once the "First Home Page" registry keys are deleted IE operates normally
reverting to the Home Page which has been set up in its Tools>Internet
Options pulldown menu.

I was originally totally confused because I thought I had deleted the keys
without result not realizing that they were being reinstated Ad-Watch.

I hope I'm making myself understood.

Thanks again.

Charlie Tame

Ah I misunderstood the nature of the beast, no harm done and you have
provided a nice concise bit of info that hopefully will help a few others.


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