Microsoft Security Essentials on Windows XP



I have a PC running XP that has only a dialup connection.

I have downloaded the Security Essentials install file to a USB flash
drive on another PC with a broadband connection. This has enabled me
to install Security Essentials on my XP PC with only dialup.

I acutally succeeded once in completing the install and the initial
update which took 8 hours. However, I was unable to do any further
updates because Security essentials seems unable to recognize my
dialup connection on a XP machine.

I tried removing and reinstalling Security Essentials. Now, I can't
even do the initial update as my dialup connection does not seem to be

The basic problem seems that some Microsoft Applications (Security
Essentials is the prime problem) seem unable to recognize that I am
connected to the internet when using a dialup connection. And, yes, I
have verified through other applications that I am connected.

Is there any resolution to this problem besides an unwanted investment
in another broadnband connection?


Here are some links for you. Use the "Definitions Manual Update"
link to download the updates on the broadband computer and
copy it to the dial-up computer via USB or CD/DVD.

Microsoft Security Essentials 8 MB XP, 5 MB Vista

Definitions Manual Update +40 MB


in message news:[email protected]...


Thanks for the links. They solved my problem, at least initially. I
now have MSE installed & the initial update on my PC with only a
dialup connection.

However, one problem remains: Does MSE recognize an internet
connection that is only dialup. Downloading the MSE & the initial
update on a broadband pc & transfering to a dialup PC via USB flas
drive was only a minor annoyance. However, doing daily updates that
way would be a major pain.

What must I do to get MSE to recognize my dialup connection even if I
limit it to daily updates which are relative,y small?

PA Bear [MS MVP]

If Automatic Updates works, MSE's auto-updater will work, whether you're on
dial-up or broadband.

By default, MSE will only auto-update once every 24-hours. That being said,
there's a known-bug for some users who put their computers into Standby or
Hibernation overnight, in which case MSE /may/ not auto-update every 24

There are many, many threads about all of this (and a few "stickies") in
both and forums.
Take a look!

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