Microsoft Outlook Personal Folders Backup tool. Any users of this ?


Tedd Riggs

I recently downloaded the PST backup tool that I have posted below and it
seems to work well on Outlook 2000,2002 and 2003. I am thinking of
recommending it to anyone that does ask about automatic back-up tools as
this is a tiny download (160 KB) and does seem to work very well. However I
have only been using it for a couple of weeks and so far so good on Windows
XP Pro. Is anyone else using this and had either really good luck or not so
good luck ?

Microsoft Outlook Personal Folders Backup tool;CTT=98

Download site for Outlook 2003 Add-in: Personal Folders Backup

Thanks !

Tedd Riggs
PDA Square Content Developer
Redmond, WA

Roady [MVP]

Works for me on all type of systems. What are you looking for in specific?

Roady [MVP]
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Tedd Riggs

Thanks Roady,
There is not really anything special that I am looking for other then the
fact that it works well and does not cause any problems. Before I suggest it
to our IT group, I just like to make sure it is working well under different
platforms or if it has problems, then I come out with alot of egg on my

Tedd Riggs
PDA Square Content Developer
Redmond, WA

Brian Tillman

Tedd Riggs said:
I recently downloaded the PST backup tool that I have posted below
and it seems to work well on Outlook 2000,2002 and 2003. I am
thinking of recommending it to anyone that does ask about automatic
back-up tools as this is a tiny download (160 KB) and does seem to
work very well. However I have only been using it for a couple of
weeks and so far so good on Windows XP Pro. Is anyone else using this
and had either really good luck or not so good luck ?

I've had very good luck with it.

Roady [MVP]

Well, nothing that wasn't to be solved in minutes so far.

Roady [MVP]
Microsoft Office and Microsoft Office related News
Also Outlook FAQ, How To's, Downloads and more...

Tips of the month:
-Create your own fully customized Toolbar
-Creating a Classic View in Outlook 2003
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(I changed my reply address; remove all CAPS and _underscores_ from the
address when mailing)


At first it would not work on my system with Outlook 2000.
It would not copy the back up because access to one of the
files was being blocked. Brian Tillman helped me figure
out that a synchronization program was causing the
problem. Once I disabled the sync program, the back up
worked like a champ. I use this sync program all of the
time, so I will have to shut it down whenever I want to do
a back up. Some might consider that a pain, I do not. I
hope this helps.


Tedd Riggs

Thank you John,
No that is exactly the kind of feedback I am looking for. Mine is working
fine and as long as its not backing up at the same time my AVG 7 virus
scanner is doing its daily scan, it works well. When both of these are
running, I am basically locked out of the computer until one of the two
finishes what its doing.
Thanks again !

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